#Sunday #GYM OPEN 9.30AM-1PM 10.30AM - #Metafit 11AM - Hatha #Yoga See you there. #WilLBfit #fitness #exercise #sex


@dasrobbwolf The bollux of nutrition! 👌🏻 This could change your life, folks! #Audible #Audiobooks #Fitness #Nutrition #WhereHaveYouBeenAllMyLife #fit #paleo #strokeofgenius


Dearest Chipper-ites! Allow me to introduce you to: #CHIPPER #STRONG! The SUMMER in the gym world is all about high reps, low carb diets and burning FAT with hardcore classes such as #Chipper, #Meta etc. However, THIS #AUTUMN/#WINTER is like to propose we dedicate our time to a '#MUSCLE #BUILDING #DURATION' or '#STRENGTH #LIFTING #SEASON' for the whole body up until #spring of 2019, focussing on lower #reps leading to greater muscle and joint #integrity. Which means greater prevention against #injury AND a better #shape! This means you may not get the #fatburn you hoped through the winter, but that's what the other classes are for! What you would #gain through this is a base layer of muscle that, come spring/summer, would stay with you as Chipper reverted back to what it is today: #Onslaught muscle #toning, serious fat burning and a rip-up #remedy for #beach-bods all around the globe! Don't forget, folks. The more muscle you have, the easier it is to burn fat! So who wants MORE MUSCLE?! If you like the sound of this, please #LIKE and COMMENT on this post. Let me know your thoughts. Luke x


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WILL B FIT! AKA - My first born We hope we have created an environment that has offered a second Home and a Haven for you all! ❤️🏋🏾💪🏻 #WilLBfit


Great to meet you today, @optimusprime_334 What a really lovely guy! Hoping some of that #Squatting #Godness rubs off on me, friend! And yes, I meant to say 'Godness' 👌🏻🏋🏾


Met one of the very few incredible people on my 'to meet' list Wanted to ask him so much about his career. Wanted to wish him huge congrats on his many #WSM wins. Wanted to give him a huge handshake and tell him I followed his career from when I was a child! Tell him he was the #GOAT Instead I said "Hi Savickas. How's the bicep tear? Getting better I hope" 🙈 Not much chance of him seeing this, but #BigZ! Truly a pleasure and truly #awesome @savickas_bigz


It's FRIDAY, Fudgers! Don't count the days! Make the days count! FRIDAY: GYM OPEN 8.30AM-11.30AM 9.30AM - SpinFit GYM OPEN 2.30PM-8PM 4PM - Jr Gym 5.30PM - Metafit 6.15PM - Fit-To-Box 6.30PM - Impact MMA (Olympic Standard Wrestling!) #WilLBfit


GREAT turn out this week! You've tried things recently that you may not initially have been good at.... ... However, it has lead to expanding that little bubble called the Comfort Zone! In fairness, you guys will ALWAYS try anything I throw at you, no matter how silly or even scary it may sometimes seem! It is NOT in spite of in spite of, but BECAUSE of you trying these new things that has led to you a GREATER version of you! I know guys who have stuck to the same workouts over and over. One of them is a runner. She runs. Excels in running. Gains faster times.... Yet she tells me that she's no happier with her athleticism that she was when she started out all them years ago! I'm not saying it's BAD to specialise, simply a waste of potential in other fields as well as the one you're in. Broaden your horizons and it will SHOCK your body. It will power you up to a point you NEVER thought you'd reach physically AND mentally. For me, physical activity is not just there to get better at exercise, it's to realise who you really are. In your core self! OK, you're not the Fastest. So what, you're not the strongest! You may not be the Buffest athlete out there.... But you can guarantee that you are one of the most whole, diverse and fearless! It's not what you GET in life that makes you happy. It's who you BECOME!


Early Mornings are BACK! @rugbikid and @muddafit are HERE and while the boss is away we will play!!! Next week Monday-Friday we're going to run a week of BEASTLY #bootcamp style classes 💪🏼 Mornings is proven to be the best time to get your #workouts in! The weather's been rubbish so far this year so let's kick start your training, kick start the week and maybe even your year of training with a good solid week of solid hard graft. If the weather's good, we'll be OUTSIDE! If the weather's bad, we're INSIDE, but that's out of our control. What's IN our control is how we design and manage these classes and in true #Muddafit style, we're going to make sure you get an #ALMIGHTY workout to kick start your day!! See you all next week ladies and gentlemen 6.45AM Enjoy your weekend 🦍💪🏼👊🏼 #WilLBfit #Exercise #fitness #WrexhamFitness #LetsDoThis


No matter who you are! No matter your walk of life! No matter what's gone on in your past! There is ALWAYS opportunity to reach your goals! BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT! Amazing, packed day today at WilL B fit! With NEW Members learning what we're about, PAST Members rejoining the pack and restarting their journey, and the REGULAR sensational members, showing them all how it's done! 😘 Well done EVERYONE tonight! Total respect to every last one of you, including Karen, pictured! HERE'S THURSDAY: #GYM OPEN 6.45AM-7.30AM #ChipperFit - 6.45AM GYM OPEN 8.30AM-11.30AM #Chipper - 9.30AM GYM OPEN 2.30PM-9PM Jr Gym - 4PM #LBT-X - 6PM #MetCon - 6.45PM #MMA #Conditioning (UTS) - 7PM #WilLBfit #evolution #fitness #hope #YouCanDoIt #Grind #workout #Progress


Imagine a world without #Weightlifting *SHUDDERS* #WilLBfit #fitness #exercise #deadlift #squat #benchpress #workout #barbell #LoveToLift


Junior Gym Hour at WilL B fit! Kid: "Excuse me! Do you take Coppers?" Me: "Yes mate" *Ching* *Cling* *Ching-aling-ling* Me:..... "Sign in! Get out of my sight!" 🙈 #WilLBfit #LoveKids


So, since #January, I've tried a NEW APPROACH to Thursday night/Friday morn #MetCons! I've tried to make it as diverse and more importantly - #METABOLIC every week by shocking your bodies! Giving you something everytime that you are NOT used to in an effort to keep you constantly recruiting new #muscle fibres and aiding your body with #FatBurn. We've tried #DROPSETS, #SUPERSETS, #NEGATIVES, #PRIMALMOVEMENTS, #LEGS ONLY, #UPPERBODY ONLY, #POWER #CIRCUITS, #ISOMETRIC #CIRCUIT, even #BODYBUILDING ROUTINES! ..... tonight it's back to basics! Back to #GRITTY, #RUGGED #workouts that are more real, more #fun AND more rewarding than any other #workout! #TYRES?! #ROPES?! #BARBELLS?! YES! To all of the above! See you tonight - 6.45PM! #WilLBfit #WrexhamFitness


Guys. For the sake of 30-45 mins, it could give you the #kickstart to one of the #best #Sundays you've had in a long time. And why?! Because the body is a creature of #HABIT! Start the day doing very little, and your body will continue wanting little out of life. Begin your day with #POWER! #EXCITEMENT! #HELL-#FURY! And you'll want more out of the 90% of the day that is left! 'Should I #exercise today?!?!' WHAT A SILLY QUESTION! #Metafit - 10.30AM #Yoga - 11AM See you shortly! X #WilLBfit #evolution #gymspiration #workoutmotivation #fitness #hathayoga #workout #swole #motivationalquotes #motivate


Genius! LIKE PLEASE! #WilLBfit #fitness #evolution #gymspiration #workoutmotivation #workout #fitnessgoals #dailyquote #quoteoftheday #picoftheday #gotcha #exercise #functionalmovements #swole #deadlift #benchpress #squat #squatass #bodybuilder


Wow! Some SERIOUS #Progress here! @kproctor17 has shed EVEN MORE #weight! "Less of a Spare Tyre" as she said! And bless! @nicmazi can STILL use her as a Jungle #Gym! 😉 True #Friendship, that! #WilLBfit #fitness #throwbackthursday #training #womenwholift #womenwholiftotherwomen #workoutmotivation #gymspiration #oosh #power #deadlift 👍🏻#GymFriends 👍🏻


Hahaha. Oh dear! Well, guys! I must say that #TONIGHT was a kick-ass night and I wanted to mention how incredible it is to see so many of you.... after a long, tough road, upping your eights and achieving your #goals!!! Really, you guys are gonna be on point this summer! #👌🏻 ...but not as good as this guy! #😂 See you tomorrow, dudes! #THURSDAY:  GYM OPEN - 6.45AM-7.30AM #ChipperFit - 6.45AM GYM OPEN - 8.30AM-11.30AM #Chipper - 9.30AM GYM OPEN - 2.30PM-9PM Jr #Gym - 4PM #Metafit - 5.30PM #LBT-X - 6PM  #MetCon - 6.45PM  #MMA Conditioning (UTS) - 7PM #fit #fitness #fitstagram #instafit #insta #instagood #exercise #workout #sexy


If you twirled your phone a full 360, DOUBLE TAP! If you were dizzy looking at this, you should have been there 🤢 #WilLBfit #RhosFC #Fitness #Gym #Gymnastics #GymnastTraining #Workout #Core #Strength #YourTurn #OOSH! #gymspiration #evolution #workoutmotivation #HelpMeDown


Monday Monday Monday ... Every week you come around and bring with you doom and gloom, another weekend over and it’s back to the grind.! Yes that’s right guys the grind starts 6.45AM with mayhem.! Start your week with a feel good factor, get the endorphins racing from the get go and watch how Monday’s outlook changes from 🥀to🌹 Spin is proving to be that popular on a Monday we’re having to keep both classes running, like we said guys if the demand is there the classes will be on so, who’s with me tomorrow?! Names below and please as always update us if you can’t make it! Both classes have been full the past few weeks so it’s really important the bikes are reserved up front to avoid disappointment. Thank you all and see you tomorrow... we ride again.!!💪🏼🚴🏽‍♂🚴🏽‍♀ #WilLBfit #spin#spinclass #spinning #fitness #fatburn #fitnessstudio #fitnessclass #fitnessmotivation #workout #fitgirl #gymspiration #cycling @rugbikid


MuddaFit is proud to share the news we have chosen Cancer Research as our charity to support. We pride ourselves on being one of the only fitness clubs to have this relation and commitment and look forward to working with such a fantastic charity. A charity that touches so many lives. A charity that no doubt has already helped each and every one of you without you even realising. We will be working closely with the guys at Cancer Research by volunteering with their events in our local area and donating funds from our events throughout the year. For the month of May, we have already signed up to help with Wrexham Pretty Muddy! If you’d like to help us and join as a volunteer please let us know. #wrexham #cancerresearchuk #muddafit #charity -------------------------------------- 17th of March '18 at Chirk Castle, North Wales


It's getting there!!!!! #OneLegCrow You KNOW what's coming next! #AirBaby! #Workout #Fitness #Power #Core #Strength #gymspiration #Gymnastics #Gym #NextLevel #Yoga #Mobility #Focus #RealStrength #MoveITnation


CHIPPER is a class but I've been running for about 4 to 5 years. It involves a mixture of exercises, including supersets. LOTS of supersets! I would say, although there is a great deal of power produced within the hour class, it is typically known as an endurance class! However, this DOES NOT mean that strength is excluded from this workout. A few weeks ago, I asked my class to lower their weight. All the way down to the first weight they picked up in their first ever class! Just for the final #WOD The #WilLBfit still kicked their own arses as they're #conditioned that way.... HOWEVER!!!! It was then they realised - how that weight that they used to struggle with, Week-in Week-out was now closer to their warm-up weight! Many of them - Male - lift 40-50KG for 50 Reps of Thrusters at a time! Female - 25-30KG for 50 Jerks at a time! WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?! Which brings me to my point - Whether you #liftHEAVY or whether you #liftLIGHT #Strength is defined by one word! #PROGRESSION! If you lift #2KG #dumbbells for 30 squats, when you used to only be able to rep out 15.... guess what! YOU'RE STRONGER THAN YOU USED TO BE. F*** parameters "Oh, I only lift between 1-6 reps per set because I'm STRENGTH lifting" Even more than that! If you're still lifting the old weights you've become used to, but feel better today than you did last week due to lifting and heaving those barbells UP AND DOWN! You're mentally a stronger, more in tune dude/dudette than you were!.... And what's wrong with that! Strength is up to the individual. In life strive for change, no matter how it manifests


Respect the #Gym Respect the #Members #Gymtimidation leads to the death of many #goals and #achievements If you want to better yourself, that's great! I invite your efforts. But, if you put someone down, in the hopes of making yourself appear in some way grander! Or more confident than your fellow #gymgoer, then we have a problem! The gym is NOT the some school playground. NO strong person put others down! #STRONG people help others up #workoutmotivation #respect #gymrules #gymspiration #fat #fit #beproud


#METCON - 6.45PM - TONIGHT! TONIGHT we train as any true athlete should! STRENGTH first! this is going to be your greatest output and greatest challenge to your muscles, some news on your might here HIGH INTENSITY second! you've already pushed your body to failure. Now what is left is called 'polishing the muscle'. Continue to give work out short, intense burst! Until there's truly NOTHING left for your #CNS to give! CARDIOVASCULAR last! Muscles and Nervous System fried! You've burnt off any carbs you've ate over the last 24 hours. This is the perfect opportunity for #FATBURN! Eat straight into the fat that's actually on you there-and-then with some #LSD.... Not Drugs, folks! - although you WILL be hallucinating at this point! #😂 Long Slow Distance! That's right! Endurance training! See you tonight! 6.45PM! You #WilLBfit!!!!


I was on my way to make a #brew and fell and landed like this! 😕 @ukprecisionmovement are you not entertained?! ..... now somebody help me down! #Gym #gymnastics #pose #yoga #balance #sport #therapy #fitnesschallenge #balancepose #strength #olylifting #sportstretching #lift #powerlift #bodybuild #fitness #workout #OOSH


So it was NEVER punishment after all! .... Your parents were just turning you into an athlete!!!! The only thing I'd add is 50 Burpees per day! 😂 #WilLBfit #SufferTheDisciplineOrSufferTheRegret #fitness #earlytobed #earlytorise #vegetables #naptime #childhood #goals #fitnessgoals #family #workout #insta #picoftheday


HELL NO! Sunday at WilL B fit! Metafit - 10.30AM Yoga - 11AM See you tomorrow! #WilLBfit #fit #fitstagram #instafit #hiit #workout #yoga #relax #YinYang #ItsThatTimeAgain #Exercise #muscle #fatloss


#PROGRESS from our very own instructor, Emily Sarah May Davies! 6 months Post-Partum! This chick practices what she preaches! ❤️💪🏻 Follow: WilLBfitMummy http://ift.tt/2ouWZLn #WilLBfit #Tbt #throwbacktuesday #transformationtuesday #fitgirl #girlswholift #girlswholiftheavy #ladiesthatlift #exercise #squat #postpartum #pregnantandfit #fitmum #fitmom #beast


Are you looking to take part in any mud runs this year? Maybe your already booked onto @tough_mudder @bornsurvivoruk @ratracehq or even @cancer_research_uk_ #mudruns... where else can you get the training in to prepare you for this? Answer- Nowhere.! Give us a follow @muddafit on both here and #Facebook and make sure you do not get left behind..!!! #Amazing sessions so far, great #atmosphere and banter with people of all walks of life, #fitness ability and age- we cater for all... see you soon 🦍💪🏼 #MuddaFit #OCR #Workout #Muddy #PrettyMuddy #Mudder #ToughMudder #RatRace #BornSurvivor #rough #Truefitness #rugged #FatToFit #Transformation


647...!! Yes that is how many calories were burnt in one of my spin sessions last week..!! Who needs this level of fat burning in their lives?? 🙋🏽‍♂ This is the new 45 min #Fitbit record with only 2 weeks left is anyone going to beat it?! #Monday..!! The #BEST day of the week to train.! The most #REWARDING day as your #feelgoodfactor after it will not be beaten this week- so what’s your plans then?! We start 6.45AM with Mayhem- as in recent weeks this is #LEGDAY 🦍 Can’t wait to see you all guys and gals 💪🏼🦍 @rugbikid #WilLBfit #Workout #fitness #exercise #legendary #quads #squat #lunge #MondayMotivation


Fantastic week, everyone! I'm feeling the #determination after this week. Although difficult..... It was STILL #CONQUERED!!!! Incase you've not had enough yet..... BRING ON #SATURDAY AT WILL B FIT! Only 11.30-1PM.... But if you do it right.... That's all you'll need! ALSO! #Sunday 9.30-1PM! 10.30AM - #METAFIT 11AM - #YOGA #WilLBfit #fitness #workout #Squaturday #Squat #Power #Exercise #Weekend #Workout #DayOfRest? #DayOfReps! #WeekendWorkout #WeekendWarriors


I've been winding this girl up for the last 12 months. "I #PT you every week, twice a week. I tell you about my #Coffee obsession, yet you fail bring me one!" Never thought she actually would! Well #LOWANDBEHOLD! She's finally done it! Thanks for the #Starbucks, champ! Now let's KILL THOSE LEGS!!!! #WilLBfit #LegDay #Fitness #LadiesThatLift #Gym #GirlsWhoLift #Cheers #Quad #CoffeeAddict #CoffeeAddiction #Caffeine #Caffeineandgym


Every man needs one of these! And oh boy, do I have one!..... #WilLBfit #Strong #Motivation #StrongWomen #FitnessMotivation #support #BusinessMotivation #Lucky #Love #Happiness #Couples #Family #DamnShesGood


#Workout Of The #Week..... IS BACK! Starting you off with a CLASSIC, known as the 300 SPARTAN WORKOUT! THE MOST RIPPED I'VE EVER BEEN! With this workout TWICE per week, beginning at a more that manageable level, progressing the reps and weight lifted once mastered. AND Two sessions per week around an hour each (1 hour 15mins on the Rowing Machine and 45 mins of Chipper/Metafit incl. Warm-Up/Cool-Down) I managed to reduce my #bodyfatpercentage to 8% and my diet was only 70% clean. THE ONLY REASON I STOPPED! I was actually #training for a VERY #longdistance #challenge - 157 miles in 4 days (I completed it! Hence the #tattoo on my right calf) but wished to keep some #physique My only reason for stopping was pure #vanity. I wanted to #lift heavier and build more #strength. I wanted to practice more #Olympiclifts. That's all. Luckily, I'm such a nerd that I write every detail of my #gymlife down, so if you wish to see the #diet plan for this workout..... YOU KNOW HOW TO FIND ME! But, to be honest, dudes.... just start with the workout! See how far that gets you. If your main issue is #FATLOSS, this is the workout for YOU!!!! Good luck, compadres! (Share if you're game!) #WilLBfit #300Spartans #WOD #fitness


@taekwonjo30 giving her #PT to an unsuspecting victim today..... #Cruel #Sadistic #Painful #RealPT #2MoreReps #trainer #gym #workout #fitness #burpees #cardio


Amazing turnout last week at double spin guys let’s see if we can keep up the momentum from then and take it into this week- let me know if your not coming so we can fill your seat with our reserves 😚🦍💪🏼🚴🏽‍♀🚴🏽‍♂ @rugbikid #WilLBfit #workout #spin #fitness #fitnessmotivation #noteasy #worthit #MondayMotivation #NeverMissAMonday


Found my next #audiobook to listen to OVER AND OVER! Only 4 hours long, but #inspiring #StrongMind #StrongBody #StrongSoul #Inspiration #Wisdom #Audible #WilLBfit


That should be the goal for EVERYONE! #WEDNESDAY: GYM OPEN - 6.45AM-7.30AM, 8.30AM-11.30AM, 2.30PM-9PM #Metafit - 6.45AM  Metafit - 9.30AM  Jr #Gym - 4PM  #Abominable #Abdominals - 6PM #Chipper - 6.30PM  Impact #MMA - 7PM #ChipperFit - 7.30PM  #WilLBfit #workout #fitness #idols #rivals #workuntilyouridolsbecomeyourrivals #workuntilyouretheidol


Hilarious because it's TRUE! @metafithq this was sent in by a client.... #WilLBfit #DamnTrue #Hilarious #Hiit #highintensity #metafit #metabolicfitness


POSTERIOR CHAIN WORKOUT! In other words, the back of your body. What you'll find from most #workouts is they're all about closing your body in #InternalRotation (slouching) can often lean to the front of the body being to tonic (tight) and the back of the body being too lax (weak) This means tight #ligaments, #tendons and #muscles making you more prone towards injuries in the #knees, #ankles, #hips and #shoulders A posterior chain workout, coupled with stretches of the #anteriorchain (chest, front #Delt, #quads #hipflexors #abdominuserectus This #workout will make you a #healthier and more #balanced #athlete Here's tonight's workout - plenty of pulling and extending of the upper/lower back, #glutes #hamstrings and #calves EXACTLY what you need if you perform a lot of #squats, #strictPress #pressups #dips and #benchpress #WilLBfit #ideal


And THAT, #ladies and #gentlemen, is what I meant when I said "TONIGHT WILL BE #FEROCIOUS!" Remember, guys! New ABS, CHIPPER and METAFIT routines all coming next week! THURSDAY:  GYM OPEN - 6.45AM-7.30AM, 8.30AM-11.30AM, 2.30PM-9PM #ChipperFit - 6.45AM #Chipper - 9.30AM Jr Gym - 4PM #Metafit - 5.30PM #LBT-X - 6PM  #MetCon - 6.45PM  #MMA Conditioning (UTS) - 7PM #Workout #fitness #physique #discipline #dedication #work #hustle #selfrespect #dignity


Some of you on #insta morning til night! You can find 30-45 mins to #workout! HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE! #TUESDAY: GYM OPEN - 6.45AM-7.30AM, 8.30AM-11.30AM, 2.30PM-9PM 6.45AM - #MetCon 9.30AM - #ChipperFit  10.10AM - #Yoga  4PM - Jr #Gym  5.15PM - #TKD  5.30PM - #SpinFit  6.30PM - #Chipper  7PM - #Impact #MMA 7.30PM - #Metafit Join us tomorrow! #fitness #instafit #MakeTheTime #FindTheTime #PayTheToll #crosstraining


THAT is how you start a #week of solid #fitness! Always #great to see #BUSY classes. It's difficult! Because nothing good in this world should come easy. It would not be #appreciated! It would not be #impressive to others! Be #proud of what you #achieve every time you achieve it! See you today for a worthy cause! 😘 #TUESDAY: 6.45AM - #MetCon 9.30AM - #ChipperFit 4PM - Jr #Gym 5.15PM - #TKD 5.30PM - #SpinFit 6.30PM - #Chipper 7PM - Impact #MMA 7.30PM - #Metafit "If getting fit were easy, it'd be called your mum!" #WilLBfit #workout #wrexhamfitness #easy #yourmum #yourmom #ifgettingfitwaseasy



Do not skip it.... Do not skip Monday’s Do not skip Leg Day Wayne’s taken mornings to a new level with Monday’s being a lower half busting workout and Tuesday’s predominantly set on toning that top half it was brilliant last week and I’m looking forward to trying out more new things with you all..!! Also with the phenomenal turn out and demand double spin is on again..! Your keeping me on my toes coming up with new playlists and routines for you all I thrive off your enthusiasm.!! You keep turning up with the work ethic you have been and these classes will keep on rolling..!! Happy Monday’s people..!!


FINALLY!..... #Weekend #FridayFeeling #schoolsout #revive #friday #saturday #sunday #love #the #lovetheweekend #workout #chill


Well the snow didn’t put anybody off #Yoga this morning. Great to see everyone. Had to post a piccie of our 3 generations age range 21-71 👍🏻 Awesome work! #WilLBfit #nofilter #fitfam #familyphoto #SundayWorkout #YinYang #FitnessLife #bodyweighttraining


Haha. I know far too many of these! And I know where they live..... D. Nial 😂😂😂 #WilLBfit #nofilter #cake #fitness #exercise #nutrition


Thanks for the SNICKERS @willbmummy @snickers_mars.protein You know, I was never a believer..... until I found out there's an equal ratio of protein and carbs in this bad boy. Don't get me wrong, like anything, if you are just this without your chicken and veg, of course you're not gonna get that beach body.... But it's bulking season! And it's a HELL of a step up from all these breakfast bars people convince themselves are 'healthy'! #WilLBfit #dontbeadiva #snickers #fitness #musclefood #protein #proteinshake #foodporn #workout #postworkout #preworkout #swole #gym

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2Bdgjju


What a #phenomenal start to the year! WilL B fit has never had such a #productive and #motivating start that RIGHT NOW! Many of you stepping into the gym for the first time are seeming like seasoned pros! And this who've been coming for years, a massive thank you for making the newbies so welcome and keeping them inspired! Let's get stuck in for our 3rd week of #January! Everyone set your alarm NOW for 30 mins before your class/ gym session! It's time to ROCK THIS PLACE! Let us know what's your first class this week! #WilLBfit #master #yourself #master #the #gym #workout #fitness #goals #fitnessmotivation #fitgoals #haven #happyplace #gymsharkwomen #athletictraining #functionalfitness

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2Dd0f7z