Thanks for the SNICKERS @willbmummy @snickers_mars.protein You know, I was never a believer..... until I found out there's an equal ratio of protein and carbs in this bad boy. Don't get me wrong, like anything, if you are just this without your chicken and veg, of course you're not gonna get that beach body.... But it's bulking season! And it's a HELL of a step up from all these breakfast bars people convince themselves are 'healthy'! #WilLBfit #dontbeadiva #snickers #fitness #musclefood #protein #proteinshake #foodporn #workout #postworkout #preworkout #swole #gym

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Aliquam molestie ligula vitae nunc lobortis dictum varius tellus porttitor. Suspendisse vehicula diam a ligula malesuada a pellentesque turpis facilisis. Vestibulum a urna elit. Nulla bibendum dolor suscipit tortor euismod eu laoreet odio facilisis.