Dearest Chipper-ites! Allow me to introduce you to: #CHIPPER #STRONG! The SUMMER in the gym world is all about high reps, low carb diets and burning FAT with hardcore classes such as #Chipper, #Meta etc. However, THIS #AUTUMN/#WINTER is like to propose we dedicate our time to a '#MUSCLE #BUILDING #DURATION' or '#STRENGTH #LIFTING #SEASON' for the whole body up until #spring of 2019, focussing on lower #reps leading to greater muscle and joint #integrity. Which means greater prevention against #injury AND a better #shape! This means you may not get the #fatburn you hoped through the winter, but that's what the other classes are for! What you would #gain through this is a base layer of muscle that, come spring/summer, would stay with you as Chipper reverted back to what it is today: #Onslaught muscle #toning, serious fat burning and a rip-up #remedy for #beach-bods all around the globe! Don't forget, folks. The more muscle you have, the easier it is to burn fat! So who wants MORE MUSCLE?! If you like the sound of this, please #LIKE and COMMENT on this post. Let me know your thoughts. Luke x


Written by Admin

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