647...!! Yes that is how many calories were burnt in one of my spin sessions last week..!! Who needs this level of fat burning in their lives?? 🙋🏽‍♂ This is the new 45 min #Fitbit record with only 2 weeks left is anyone going to beat it?! #Monday..!! The #BEST day of the week to train.! The most #REWARDING day as your #feelgoodfactor after it will not be beaten this week- so what’s your plans then?! We start 6.45AM with Mayhem- as in recent weeks this is #LEGDAY 🦍 Can’t wait to see you all guys and gals 💪🏼🦍 @rugbikid #WilLBfit #Workout #fitness #exercise #legendary #quads #squat #lunge #MondayMotivation


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Aliquam molestie ligula vitae nunc lobortis dictum varius tellus porttitor. Suspendisse vehicula diam a ligula malesuada a pellentesque turpis facilisis. Vestibulum a urna elit. Nulla bibendum dolor suscipit tortor euismod eu laoreet odio facilisis.