#Workout Of The #Week..... IS BACK! Starting you off with a CLASSIC, known as the 300 SPARTAN WORKOUT! THE MOST RIPPED I'VE EVER BEEN! With this workout TWICE per week, beginning at a more that manageable level, progressing the reps and weight lifted once mastered. AND Two sessions per week around an hour each (1 hour 15mins on the Rowing Machine and 45 mins of Chipper/Metafit incl. Warm-Up/Cool-Down) I managed to reduce my #bodyfatpercentage to 8% and my diet was only 70% clean. THE ONLY REASON I STOPPED! I was actually #training for a VERY #longdistance #challenge - 157 miles in 4 days (I completed it! Hence the #tattoo on my right calf) but wished to keep some #physique My only reason for stopping was pure #vanity. I wanted to #lift heavier and build more #strength. I wanted to practice more #Olympiclifts. That's all. Luckily, I'm such a nerd that I write every detail of my #gymlife down, so if you wish to see the #diet plan for this workout..... YOU KNOW HOW TO FIND ME! But, to be honest, dudes.... just start with the workout! See how far that gets you. If your main issue is #FATLOSS, this is the workout for YOU!!!! Good luck, compadres! (Share if you're game!) #WilLBfit #300Spartans #WOD #fitness


Written by Admin

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