WilL B fit Approved! Guys, many of you over the months, in Chipper and in my PTs have been asking about gloves to stop you from getting rough with callouses (or 'trophies' as I call them). I been looking up these cutie-pies. For MEN and WOMEN alike. Here's the babes for you. So click the link below and the next time your child asks you why your hand are so soft, you can say 'Fairy Liquid..... And Crossfit Grips Leather Palm Protectors Hand Guards Grips Gym Gloves Pull up Lift gymnastics workout training- Size and Colur Choice (Black Leather, Medium) http://ift.tt/2bcC1fp Looking after ya's - Luke #WilLBfit #grips #weightlifting #workout #fitness #gymgear #fitgirlprobs #fitguyproblems

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2by8hbd


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