This is EASILY in the Top 5 most irritating quotes in all of fitness history! 

Gimme 3 minutes and you'll understand a little more about the female form and how actually, the one thing women will get out of weight-lighting is a MORE womanly, curvy, low-fat, beautiful body!

Not only through scientific research, but also through the 20-20 vision of anyone who has spent hours upon HOURS in a gym environment discovering what works... and what doesn't - 
Here's the TRUTH about females and LIFTING HEAVY SHIT!

Here's the simple version: 

Losing and gaining fat OR muscle all comes down to the hormone balances within your body. 

Both men and women are naturally supplied with their individual amounts of OESTROGEN (the 'female' hormone) an TESTOSTERONE (the 'male' hormone). 

Men are more naturally susceptible to higher amounts of testosterone as females are proven to have higher amounts of oestrogen within their bodies. 

In a gym environment, attempting to harness the testosterone in making a man BIG or MUSCULAR is HARD work. It comes down to spiking your insulin with copious amounts of carbohydrates, fat and protein in order to just out a single pound of muscle on - and that's when they're doing it right!

Why do you think so many MEN seek artificial testosterone enhancing  drugs?

So ladies.... If that's how difficult it is for a testosterone brimming male to train over years, even decades to put on bulk, why would you - who is MORESO oestrogen driven - be able to gain huge muscles, broad shoulders, a chiselled jaw.... When it's not even your intention? 

Please take note that unless you are a man training to be more manly, or a woman pumping steroids into your bloodstream, you WILL NOT BE BULKY! 

If you train your muscles more intensely in more of a powerlifting/bodybuilding path, you WOULD produce more testosterone but that doesn't mean it would be detrimental to the womanly physique  you seek. 

Here's the benefits of female weight-lifting:

• Appearing leaner and healthier

• Less fat production (keeping in min that oestrogen is your fat-producing hormone) 

• Shaping and tightening (NOT BULK) in the more feminine areas (womanly hip curves, squat-ass, slimmer waist and legs, tighter-back causing you your chest to appear more pert)

• Not looking like a scrawny teenage boy.

Toned, athletic, feminine and lean - Yes!

Swole, veins popping, bearded gorilla look - HELL NO!

The woman in the picture is a fairly famous Crossfit athlete that most fitness men drool over and fitness women train to be like!
Her name is Camille Le-Blanc Bazinet. 

Would you look at that and tell me that she looks similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger? Dwayne Johnson? Jack Lalanne? (Google him)

She weighs around 125lbs and she can perform full Push-ups, Pull-ups, Muscle-ups (google them), weighted Squats and Deadlift. In fact, she probably Deadlifts more that most men reading this. She is one of the fittest people on this planet - not in spite of, but BECAUSE she lifts weights!

Let me offer you this one quick routine with 6 body shaping exercises which is all you'll need to see the changes I'm on about. The look you've been dreaming of but too stubborn to try. 



All exercises are 4 sets of 8-12 reps with 1 minute rest between sets. Do not rush this.  - 

- Barbell Deadlift
- Dumbbell Chest Press
- Seated Trap/Rhomboid Row
- Dumbbell Bulgarian Squat
- Arnold Shoulder Press
- Lat Pulldown 

Just try it for 6 weeks! See what happens. At worst, if you don't like it you can just drop it from your life.


Just please keep in mind that all those incredibly sexy female athletes than you are aspiring to be, whether they are swimmers, runners, heptathletes (eg. Jessica Ennis), or some HIIT trainer that you bought her/his DVD and think I WANT THAT - whooooeeeeeveeeeerrr! 

You would be silly and extremely NAIVE to believe that all they do is the swimming/running/HIIT. 
They'll all do something similar to what I've just offered you. 

Once again, guys. These posts are not here to offend or be stereotypical. This is just based on what some of the guys - male AND female mention to me on a daily basis about what they WANT an what they DO. 
It's only advice. I'm not TELLING you to do this. Just trying to help you get to where you wanna go. 

All I'll add the the end of this is once again, my opinion. 
However, I don't think it is held solely by me....

The myth that women shouldn't lift weights is only perpetuated by women who fear work and men who fear women!

Catch ya next time! 

Luke x



Written by Admin

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