What Is An Athlete???

What is an athlete?

This word is one we grow to aspire to or be in awe of.

Yet, it has antagonised me over the years -

From what I've heard, the definition of an athlete is someone who trains specifically to their sport. Someone who is at the top of their game and cares not what they look like, nor what they become, nor what the implications of how their training affects then later in life, EVEN if it's hastens their mortality.

You're the worlds strongest man, weighing around 23 Stone+
Tell me how far you run without getting tired? Can you handstand? Are you even able to tie your laces ready without getting out of breath?

You're a marathon runner, you make your legs as endurable as possible, then subjecting your upper-body to neglect, deformation, hunching, placing pressure on your most vital organs, let me know how many REAL push ups, pull ups, even squats you can do
Can you be functional?

Are either of these examples being true to all the human body actually offers?

No disrespect to people who ARE indeed at the top of their game in their particular genre but for me, that's not what an athlete is

My version of 'athlete'.

Becoming the perfect human

We're here to be the greatest all-rounders

Strong - but not a heavy burden to joints. Make the weight you have a greater quality.

Fast - but not sacrificial of function and flexibility for added pace.

We can train specifically towards our goals if that is what we wish down to the fine points -

but more than anything, I believe we should become more confident within our own skin, however hopefully keep ourselves grounded and humble, remembering always that it takes hard work to be GREAT!

Training with WilL B fit will not just give you the answers for here and now, but will add elements of longevity so you can still be the man and kick some ass when you're 87!

My belief - athleticism is on a never-ending spectrum and we can all be part of it if we try
Just the ones who give more - gain more.

The vast majority of us began this journey on the low end of this spectrum and at some INSANE moment believed we could accomplish the impossible... And achieved it!

It's difficult to comprehend or admit but...

We are athletes!

We strived for greatness.
We have earned the position we're in.




Written by Admin

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