Aftershoks - Amazon

WilL B fit approves!
Trialled a pair this week!
A lady came into the gym and was complaining that she couldn't wear headphones as she didn't like the way they feel.
Not even an hour later, someone let me have a go of their pair of earphones that weren't actually 'ear' phones called 'Aftershoks'.
After a bit of research, I've been wanting a pair of these beauts since!
Bone Conducting Technology - meaning that you do NOT even put them in your ears!
You can still listen to your music just as loud, yet when someone wants a conversation with you, it is zoned out by your subconscious! 
It's much safer for your hearing. Also, it's much easier to listen for traffic  mid-run. These are also Marathon Approved.
I haven't found them cheaper than this.
Awesome buy!

If you're interested, click the link below!


Written by Admin

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