Fitness is one of the few things in this life that is FAIR!

Having a good weekend?
Last week was one of the hottest weeks in WilL B fit where milestones were reached and satisfaction was NOT given, but TAKEN!
That's what it's all about, folks!
Small, realistic goals hit week after week, month after month! Until the dream is given!
NO luck involved, NO once in a lifetime opportunities!
But gained through EFFORT and SELF-BELIEF!
Fitness is one of the few things in this life that is FAIR!
If you complain about not having it, that's because you haven't worked for it!
If you have it, and continue to look after it, no bully can EVER take it away from you!
And finally, the more you look after it, the greater it becomes and the greater YOU become!
Why do you think we're all so OBSESSED!


Written by Admin

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