There's my A.M. #Cardio sorted this #morning! Cleared the bank down to the #gym, so NO #EXCUSES, FOLKS! You know you're #BUFF when you outwork a shovel! 😂 The ol' man will be proud when he hears this! BACK #OPEN 4-8PM #TONIGHT! #CLASSES AS NORMAL! #WilLBfit #Snow SnowShovel #Ice #IceIceBaby #TooCold #HardWork #fitness #workout #oosh #morningcardio #sweat
The mood has changed for many of you, my #friends. Me too. However, it is NOT for the person I am right now that I am working so hard to keep on track. I #exercise when I don't want to. I #eat cleaner #foods than the ones I feel like. I #motivate myself with #YouTube vids, #inspirational #speeches, inviting friends to #workout with me. And who is it all for? New-Year-me! #Guilty-me! #Ashamed-me! And #Focused-me. The me that's ready to get back on track. I may eat a bit worse that I do the rest of the year. And you can guaran-damn-tee I'm gonna #power through some seriously dirty #calories at #Christmas! But.... I #REFUSE to be one of those people who feel sorry for themselves come 2018! "Look how fat I got" "Where's my 6 pack gone?" "Why is it so hard to get my fitness back?" I'm #training all the way through #December! Call it sad, call it #obsessed, but you'll NEVER call it lazy, NOR pitiful. It is #empowerment and #invigoration that we need this time of year. I am #DEDICATED #fitness #fitnessmotivation
The mood has changed for many of you, my friends. Me too. However, it is NOT for the person I am right now that I am working so hard to keep on track. I exercise when I don't want to. I eat cleaner foods than the ones I feel like. I motivate myself with YouTube vids, inspirational speeches, inviting friends to workout with me. And who is it all for? New-Year-me! Guilty-me! Ashamed-me! And Focused-me. The me that's ready to get back on track. I may eat a bit worse that I do the rest of the year. And you can guaran-damn-tee I'm gonna power through some seriously dirty calories at Christmas! But.... I REFUSE to be one of those people who feel sorry for themselves come 2018! "Look how fat I got" "Where's my 6 pack gone?" "Why is it so hard to get my fitness back?" I'm training all the way through December! Call it sad, call it obsessed, but you'll NEVER call it lazy, NOR pitiful. It is empowerment and invigoration that we need this time of year. I am #DEDICATED #fitness
The mood has changed for many of you, my friends. Me too. However, it is NOT for the person I am right now that I am working so hard to keep on track. I exercise when I don't want to. I eat cleaner foods than the ones I feel like. I motivate myself with YouTube vids, inspirational speeches, inviting friends to workout with me. And who is it all for? New-Year-me! Guilty-me! Ashamed-me! And Focused-me. The me that's ready to get back on track. I may eat a bit worse that I do the rest of the year. And you can guaran-damn-tee I'm gonna power through some seriously dirty calories at Christmas! But.... I REFUSE to be one of those people who feel sorry for themselves come 2018! "Look how fat I got" "Where's my 6 pack gone?" "Why is it so hard to get my fitness back?" I'm training all the way through December! Call it sad, call it obsessed, but you'll NEVER call it lazy, NOR pitiful. It is empowerment and invigoration that we need this time of year. I am #DEDICATED
A HUGE congratulaions to my client and #trainingpartner, @jonhesketh Follow this #BEAST to see how he manages to balance #diet, #exercise and #familylife perfectly! Not only has Jon lost #fat, but a high standard mixture #strength, #cardio #fitness and balance. This is thanks to classes such as #Metafit, #ChipperFit, #Yoga #Fit2Box and 2 #PT sessions per week. This guy has COMPLETELY changed his attitude around to #health and well-being! ..... And also treated himself to a #tan along the way 😉 Get ready for 2.30, Jonny boy! It's time to kick each other's arses! #Proud #beforeafter #transformation #transformationtuesday #tbt #fattofit
Gained another #piece to the #puzzle, today! With MoveIT Nation! @moveitnation Can't express just how #informative, #challenging and #vital this course is to #athletes, couch potatoes and people from all walks of #life. Your body is only as #strong as your weakest links. And after today, even they're feeling strong. #Activated! #WilLBfit #MuscleActivation #MoveIT #Workout #exercise #fitness #prehab #rehab #hiit #flexibility #gymnastics #gym #core #pilates #yoga @rugbikid @willbmummy @taekwonjo30 @rhirooflexandstrength
DONT FORGET! #Gym Open Between 11.30AM and 1PM Today!!!! #Short and #Sharp! #MakeItHappen #Workout #Fitness #power #workout #bootcamp #metcon #tyreflip #TeamWork #exercise #WilLBfit #functional
Let's start this #fitness #debate. Should #burpees be BANNED from the #gym? Give me your #honest, #hilarious thoughts...... #WilLBfit #workout #exercise #power #bodyweight #crossfit #crosstraining #ILoveBurpees #fatburn #fatloss #weightloss
Wow..!!!!! What a start to the week.!! Look at the numbers here at 6.45 on a Monday.! It's days like this guys you make being an instructor so pleasurable.! Enjoy your day all 🦍💪🏼🚴🏿🚴🏽♀️ #WilLBfit #Wicked #Monday #mondaymorning #mondaymotivation #spin #spinclass #weights #crosstraining #crossfit #crosslifting #mayhem #HappyMonday #fitness #exercise #beastmode
Done for another week! I think I liked that! ..... but don't think it liked me.... Thank god for the 7 day break! 100 #Skips 90 #FloorWipers 80 #Deadlifts 100 #Skips 70 #BentoverRow (Overhand Grip) 60 #PressUps 100 #Skips 50 #BackSquat 40 #PushPress 29 mins Once completed 1 round, take the 0 off the end of each #exercise and repeat until #exercises until the time runs out #45KG #killedit #WilLBfit #Workout #fitness #wod #chipper #chipperfit #metcon #swole #tough #grind #chalkboard #BackToTheChalkboard #vom #barbell #INSTAGRAM #Insta #Instafit
It makes no fair sense why exercise should be #EASY! When things come easy to you, it is very rarely appreciated. EASY COME, EASY GO! As they say.... There have been a few moments in my life where I've gained something through hard work! #Blood, #sweat and #tears! THESE are the most #precious things to me! For many of us, we are lucky enough - no! - #tenacious enough - to have FITNESS be one of them. If it's something that takes WEEKS/MONTHS/YEARS to earn, then it's something that only the truly #worthy deserve. It is a part of us now! One of the greatest parts of us as to get it, we've had to take up some of the #greatest values. #MOTIVATION #PERSISTENCE #HOPE #Fitness is not just a #journey to a #strongbody. It is a journey towards a #powerful mind, a #stronger understanding of oneself and above all else a better #life! BOTTOM LINE: I would NOT have been #fortunate enough to have met such #INCREDIBLE athletes and personas if #exercise was so easy. #TOUGHER, THE #BETTER! #Workout #wod #HIIT #Gym #pt #instafit #insta #instagram
Nothing like an outdoors #workout! This was from #Thursday #afternoon, when I enjoyed killing myself in the #Sun As I #chill on the sofa on a #drizzly #Sunday evening, I'm glad I had some time #SunningItUp! Don't think we're seeing anymore sun til NEXT YEAR 😂 #WilLBfit #fitness #sunsoutgunsout #awesome #weather #biceps #TeamWilLBfit
#NEW WILL B FIT #VIDEO Learn to work on feeling happy and healthy BEFORE Big and Aesthetic! Hope a few of you #instafit junkies can check out the latest Vid. If you like, give a thumbs up 👍🏻😃 And #Subscribe to see more vids #Luke x #WilLBfit #WilLBfit #Workout #Power #Fitness #youtube #warrior #exercise #flexibility #ego #betteryourself #picoftheday #truefitness #function #gainz #gains #vlog #noshits
Went upstairs to hear someone #BLASTING #OUT #tunes!..... And found this! Me: "Sophie?!" Sophie: "Just call me the WARRIOR! Oosh!!" WHAT A #MACHINE!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 #BunsOfSteel! #Beast #LadiesWhoLift #LadiesWhoLiftHeavy #Exercise #Weights #StrongWomen #StrongWoman #GirlsWhoLift #Fitness #FitGirl
WilL B fit Welcomes you with Open Arms...... BRING IT IN, SONNNNN!!!! #WilLBfit #fitness #coach #workout #muddy #fuddymucker #delamere #delamereforest #delamerecommandotrail #outdoors #picoftheday #nature #lake #ocr
MONDAY BLUES?! If you are under the assumption that Mondays are the worst day of the week, you've clearly not been paying attention to your body and have become a slave to your mind! Your mind, the incredibly vast in potential, will also be the weakest link in your entire body! Here you go again in that shitty job you hate so much, offering that underappreciative wage for how hard you work..... That sentence alone will ruin on Monday. When will you realise that Monday is not a battleground, but the land of opportunity?! Your body is fresh from the weekend! Yeah, maybe your mental energy is a little sluggish from poor food choices Friday-Sunday, however this is your chance to make amends and set out to yet again build your strengths and conquer your weaknesses! No matter how hard or unbearable your weekend was, it no longer exists and neither does that weaker version you once were. Development in oneself does not come in spite of your weaknesses, but as a result of your acknowledgement of them and your bravery to work on them! See you in the gym! MONDAY: 4PM - Jr Gym 5.30PM - SpinFit 6.30PM - Metafit 7PM - Chipper #mondaymotivation #mondayfitness #fitness #mondayblues #destroyweakness #fatloss #fatburn #hero #warrior #exercise #workout
"AT THE END OF THE DAY!" If: • You achieved a better time that last year. • You helped another through an #obstacle. • You #overcame something that you first believed was too difficult, unfathomable, out-of-your-league!!! • You stayed true to finishing as a #team Any or all of the above....... You've #enhanced the #greatness in you! It's not about being the #best, being the #roughest, being the #toughest. We're about making you MORE than what you were before. Help you realise that fitness is way of life and NOT just a quick fix. #Teaching you how to make #exercise a #GIFT and not a CHORE! We turn up to these event TIME and TIME AGAIN for progress in ourselves. We get #fit/#happy/#healthy for #LIFE! Not just for #Summer..... At the end of the #day..... Everyone who joined us today discovered a part of themselves they didn't realise before! For that reason, I #love what I do! #WilLBfit #Fitness #Workout #BeastMode #Delamere #Commando #delamerecommandotrail #delamereforest #picoftheday #ocr
WilL B fit's latest YouTube Post! Just gone up! If you get a chance, please click and give it a go! How To Eat Healthy Food You Hate! BECOME #STRONG by #learning to #eat #healthy #food.... even if you don't like it! #WilLBfit If you enjoy it, don't forget to #Like, #Share and #Subscribe 👍🏻 Thanks! 😃 #fitness #youtube #workout #power #fitness #healthyfood #foodporn #gymadvice #vlog #vlogger #gym #exercise #beastmode
What a workout last night! Partner up - 50 Skips each THEN 12 #Kettlebell #Thrusters 10 #DiamondSitups 8 Hang Cleans 6 #BoxJumps 12 min #amrap Myself and @merrittmx spoiled ourselves with a 45KG #Barbell 😎 #WilLBfit #Exercise #workout #strong #metcon #powerlifting #olympiclifting #Gym #crossfit #crosstraining #feelsick #Keto #gymowner #runningonfumes
UP TO 9 SUBSCRIBERS TO YOUTUBE! I know it doesn't sound much, when you look at the likes of the #kings Elliott Hulse and Brandon Carter! But one day I'm gonna look back on this and think "wow! I've come a long way!" Until then, hope a few can check out the latest Vid. If you like, give a thumbs up 👍🏻😃 #WilLBfit #Workout #Power #Fitness #youtube #warrior #exercise #flexibility #depression #betteryourself #picoftheday
Time to go #Keto again! Fasted til 12PM. Here's my FIRST meal! @theremingtonjames @ianwilly79 thanks for the #nutritionadvice Already dreaming of the next time I can eat #poptarts 😢 #tasty #foodporn #healthy #healthynutrition #musclefuel #musclefood #cutting #ripped #ketogenic #lowcarb #highfat
We ALL go through hard times, tasks, challenges...... But it's NEVER about what happens to you in life. It's about what you make happen in #life! Whether it's standing up to bullys, whether it's overcoming your fears, whether it's improving yourself! KEEP GOING! The second you stop, you fail! MONDAY: 6.45AM - Monday Mayhem 9.30AM - KickFitter 4PM - Jr Gym 5.30PM - SpinFit 6.30PM - Metafit 7PM - Chipper #WilLBfit #ItsWhatYoureMadeOf #Fitness #Power #mondaymotivation #monday #fit #fitspiration #fitstagram #instafit #insta #connect #f4f #instagram #instagood
This week's #CHIPPER done! Just getting ready for the #Kettlebell #CleanAndJerk ladder In all, we managed - 70 Flutter-Kick Floor Press (45KG) 70 Single Leg Box Steps (30 reps w/KB - 16KG) 70 Alternating Leg V-up (30 w/KB - #16KG) 10 #Plank Step-Overs (Step Over Box) #SmashedIt Have a great #Thursday, folks! #WilLBfit #weightloss #Fitness #Beastmode
New #Merchandise and #Activewear Store! This is the first month! If all goes well, we'll be releasing more WilL B fit goods! For those who are interested, please follow the link: Check it out! #fitnessclothing #fitwear #hoodie #hoodies #TeamWilLBfit #WilLBfit #fitness #exercise #workout #power #strength #gymclothes #gym #weightloss #beastmode #beast
7th ToughMudder through the #ElectroshockTherapy and I STILL refuse to go down! @tough_mudder @toughmudder More #voltage? #TMUK #Bull #Stirdy #Strong #kickinass #NotToday! #OOSH! #HooRah #toughmuddermidlands #warrior
When your #girl is too #needy..... but you don't mind 😻 Having some downtime after this #morning's #fitness classes The second I sit down, this #cutey jumps straight onto my chest. Worse than a #dog I don't own a #cat, she owns me! @willbmummy #CatPerson #catsofinstagram #catstagram #catoftheday #meow #cheeky #catowner #catownerproblems #SecondBorn #daughter #child #trouble #littlehorrors #tortishell
The WilL B fit #Family! Surround yourself with people like this and with a bit of luck, you'll become one of them. Part of our #psyche always yearns for #approval. Always begs us to challenge ourselves. Implores us to seek the unknown about ourselves. The only problem is, it soon fizzles out and the we end up mundane, bored, unaccomplished and disappoint in ourselves that we didn't follow something through. You must be brave and NOT BACK DOWN! These yearnings approach me a couple of times per year. It's the #warrior #instinct in us! It's part of our #nature! Without rising to these #challenges, we are left a shell of the person we could be...... The people you see in these pictures are some of MANY people I have the #privilege to have encountered. They live their lives as most do. Some old this. Same old that. .... but for those few times a year, they dig deeper into their hearts and find a stronger version of themselves. A fresher version that replaces the stale. They keep depression at bay. They stay sharpe and they ALWAYS inspire others around them to do the same! These are my brothers and sisters. These #overcome the #hardships. These are #WARRIORS! #WilLBfit __________________________________ #inspiration #toughMudder #toughmuddermidlands #tmuk @toughmudder @tough_mudder #fitness #exercise #strong #beastmode #workhardstayhumble #machine #workout #strongwomen #strongmen #team #power #ocr #dayout #picoftheday
My whole #weekend in one #pic! 5th #ChesterHalf 7th Tough Mudder #WellDone to all who were part of either! In a world of pain, but........ WORTH IT! #ToughMudder #ChesterHalfMarathon #PicOfTheDay #OCR #MudRun #camaraderie #hoorah #toughmuddermidlands #mudder #oosh #medal #headband #chesterhalfmarathon #chesterhalfmarathon2017 #fierce #WilLBfit
THIS is Steve Jarvis! His progress began Jan '16! The Tough Mudder completion photo was taken Sept '16! Obviously this means he has completely #transformed him life and body in a mere 8 MONTHS! I hope he doesn't mind me saying, but he has ascended from a pie eating #beer guzzler to a #jabroni beating #fitness #god! Over the year and a half I've known Steve, he has not only become a #Powerlifting/#OlympicLifting #junkie and #HighIntensityIntervalTraining #Beast! He's also become my #coffee buddy! #Americano! • no sugar • no milk before you ask! Steve or @chubbynomore as he is known - and his incredible wife Katie Jarvis have together changed FROM victims of the #obesity crisis INTO the #King and #Queen of their own lives! The word - 'Inspiration' doesn't even do this couple justice! This Saturday - Steve, myself and our team are competing in #ToughMudder Midlands! Wish Steve well! HOORAH! #WilLBfit #FatToFit #TransformationThursday #ThrowbackThursday #TBT #tmuk #toughmudderuk #throwbacktuesday #machine #beastmode
MYPROTEIN AFFILIATE DEALS! This is the best deal I've been sent so far! I love ALL of these!!!! Offer: 40% off Pills and Aminos Code: PILLS40 How: click link, add products to basket and add code Valid: 8th - Midnight 14th May 2017 URL: Offer: Free delivery when you spend £40 Code: DELIVERY How: click link, add products to basket and add code Valid: 8th - Midnight 14th May 2017 URL: Offer: 3 for 2 on Organic Products Code: 3 For 2 Organic How: click link, add products to basket and add code Valid: 8th - Midnight 14th May 2017 URL: Offer: 35% off Vegan range Code: 35VEGAN How: click link, add products to basket and add code Valid: 8th - Midnight 14th May 2017 URL: #WilLBfit #Myprotein #protein #proteindeals #nutrition #fitness #exercise #workout #power #strong #squat #warrior #paleo #vegan #veganprotein #bcaa #beastmode #sport #musclefood #musclefuel
This class had a #pregnant lady, sufferer of chronic #arthritis and someone with repetitive #sportsinjury #Exercises can be adapted and adjusted to your #limitations... WJ - @rugbikid What's your #excuse now?! #WilLBfit #strongwomen #beastmode #ladiesthatlift #menthatlift #metcon #circuits #workout #fitness #instafit #insta #squat #strong #warrior #warriors #paleo
To the average WilL B fitter, there is NO #BankHoliday There's only #TrainEarlierDay That's for making it a great #MayDay already! Great to see everyone bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and NOT hungover! This is only one of two classes that were triumphed this morning! This #WOD has 2 #workouts 5 minutes rest between the 2! WOD 1 - 10 min timecap WOD 2 - 25 min timecap Bottom #workout based on the immortal #300 #300spartans #fitnesstest #exercises No one left untouched! #immortal #power #beastmode #barbell #crosstraining #crosslifting #WilLBfit