The WilL B fit #Family! Surround yourself with people like this and with a bit of luck, you'll become one of them. Part of our #psyche always yearns for #approval. Always begs us to challenge ourselves. Implores us to seek the unknown about ourselves. The only problem is, it soon fizzles out and the we end up mundane, bored, unaccomplished and disappoint in ourselves that we didn't follow something through. You must be brave and NOT BACK DOWN! These yearnings approach me a couple of times per year. It's the #warrior #instinct in us! It's part of our #nature! Without rising to these #challenges, we are left a shell of the person we could be...... The people you see in these pictures are some of MANY people I have the #privilege to have encountered. They live their lives as most do. Some old this. Same old that. .... but for those few times a year, they dig deeper into their hearts and find a stronger version of themselves. A fresher version that replaces the stale. They keep depression at bay. They stay sharpe and they ALWAYS inspire others around them to do the same! These are my brothers and sisters. These #overcome the #hardships. These are #WARRIORS! #WilLBfit __________________________________ #inspiration #toughMudder #toughmuddermidlands #tmuk @toughmudder @tough_mudder #fitness #exercise #strong #beastmode #workhardstayhumble #machine #workout #strongwomen #strongmen #team #power #ocr #dayout #picoftheday

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