Well folks! It's almost been a year since I began this decision to allow my training to change with the seasons REASONS BEING... 1. Boredom. You gotta keep your exercise fun and constantly changing. If your mind feels it's getting stale then you can be sure as hell that your body is feeling the same 2. I don't want to be good at just one thing. The way to true fitness in my heart is through trying all styles of fitness. Yes, you'll favour one in particular at the moment, but all round fitness is not only healthier, but it's also more natural. One niche on its own - be it Olympic Lifting, Endurance Running, Bodyweight Training - it's not 3 Dimensional 3. Your body under the same continuous tension, doing the same/similar workouts day-in/day-out may well get you results for a while, but over time will without doubt hammer away not just your flexibility, but also your joints and nervous system. I've said this before, but I wanna become an old-ass bad-ass still training into my over-ripe years (hopefully with longer shorts than I currently wear, but that's another matter...) 4. As far as I know, we're all a part of this world. The ever-growing population who exercise regularly will appreciate than sometimes you can train hard and fast, sometimes you must workout slow and soft. On occasion we'll be hyperactive, then on the off day we'll be tired and in need of recovery. These are cycles, or seasons that every man (or WOman) goes through in order to live healthily - so why not abide by it in your hobbies/obsession/addiction called THE GYM!? Be a good all rounder throughout the year. I put this up as many have been curious on what they could do to make exercise a bit more enjoyable so there is my spin on it... If this sounds like something you'd like to try, Why not join me if you so wish and see the change in yourself as well as me over the next 3 month! Here's what I've been up to as well as the FINAL phase in my Annual Periodisation December-March YOGA AND STRETCHING, 1 strength routine p/w, 1 HIIT or Endurance March-June... http://ift.tt/2cy9AcC #WilLBfit #workout #fitness #warrior #oosh #barbell #chipper #bodybuilding

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2daV9sR


Written by Admin

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