Well folks! It's almost been a year since I began this decision to allow my training to change with the seasons REASONS BEING... 1. Boredom. You gotta keep your exercise fun and constantly changing. If your mind feels it's getting stale then you can be sure as hell that your body is feeling the same 2. I don't want to be good at just one thing. The way to true fitness in my heart is through trying all styles of fitness. Yes, you'll favour one in particular at the moment, but all round fitness is not only healthier, but it's also more natural. One niche on its own - be it Olympic Lifting, Endurance Running, Bodyweight Training - it's not 3 Dimensional 3. Your body under the same continuous tension, doing the same/similar workouts day-in/day-out may well get you results for a while, but over time will without doubt hammer away not just your flexibility, but also your joints and nervous system. I've said this before, but I wanna become an old-ass bad-ass still training into my over-ripe years (hopefully with longer shorts than I currently wear, but that's another matter...) 4. As far as I know, we're all a part of this world. The ever-growing population who exercise regularly will appreciate than sometimes you can train hard and fast, sometimes you must workout slow and soft. On occasion we'll be hyperactive, then on the off day we'll be tired and in need of recovery. These are cycles, or seasons that every man (or WOman) goes through in order to live healthily - so why not abide by it in your hobbies/obsession/addiction called THE GYM!? Be a good all rounder throughout the year. I put this up as many have been curious on what they could do to make exercise a bit more enjoyable so there is my spin on it... If this sounds like something you'd like to try, Why not join me if you so wish and see the change in yourself as well as me over the next 3 month! Here's what I've been up to as well as the FINAL phase in my Annual Periodisation December-March YOGA AND STRETCHING, 1 strength routine p/w, 1 HIIT or Endurance March-June... http://ift.tt/2cy9AcC #WilLBfit #workout #fitness #warrior #oosh #barbell #chipper #bodybuilding
A shout out to one of my clients who just LOOOOOVES these! @kproctor17 #burpees #workout #love #hate #burpeequeen #fitness #cardio #calisthenics #power #bodyweight #DontForgetTheClapAtTheTop #WilLBfit
That'll do! Would this get you training? I think id be running like Mo Farah if this was my motivator!!! #WilLBfit #motivation #workout #clown #clowncity #scary #terrifying #fitspiration #wtf #pt #workhard
AND HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!!! PROMO-CODES-R-US dudes! Some great deals! One of which is protein pancakes! 😍 Once again, all you need to do is copy/click the link, and...... Oh yeh. FILL YOUR BOOTS! ALL ABOARD THE GAINZ TRAIN! Offer: 30% off 30 Bestsellers! Code: FAVOURITES How: click the link, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 27th September URL: http://ift.tt/2d4xYTR Offer: 30% off ALL Protein Powders Code: PARTY How: click the link, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 25th September URL: http://ift.tt/2cRAJnZ Offer: 50% off Pills and Aminos Code: AMINO How: click the link, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 22nd September URL: http://ift.tt/2cb1413 Offer: 25% off EVERYTHING + FREE Defeat the Heat T-Shirt when you spend £40/€50 Code: EVERYTHING How: click link, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 22nd September URL: http://ift.tt/2cRAytb #workout #train #fitness #power #protein #nutrition #exercise #gainz #gains #recovery #muscle #swole #gym #BCAA #loveIt! #beast #beastmode #preworkout #replenish #muscles
WilL B fit Approves! SWEET! These are going on my 'Wish List'! The perfect all-round Training Shoe! I'm a bit worried about myself around these. "Nice Pair! 😎" Cheapest I've found so far.... BELOW! Click the links, tell me what you think! Women's: http://ift.tt/2cMUtb3 Men's: http://ift.tt/2coXbpv #exercise #WilLBfit #willbfitapproves #fitness #nike #trainers #shoes #metcon #crosstraining #crossfit #warrior #power
FREE WORKOUT! Hello Everyone! I'd just like to SHARE something with you in the hope that you guys will also get something from it. Now I'm not saying this is the RIGHT thing to do, I'm just inviting those who don't have a workout routine at the moment to take a look at what I'm doing at the moment and what is WORKING for me! After 3 months, I just jumped on our Tanita 'Fat Scales' (available to ALL customers) this morning and this is what's happened... Bodyweight INCREASE: 81.5KG to 86.8KG Body fat percentage DECREASE: 18.5 to 13.3% Muscle Weight INCREASE: 66.8KG to 70.5KG Metabolic Age DECREASE: 18 to 12 Hydration INCREASE: 53.2% to 62.3% Now as you know, I'm not exactly Dwayne Johnson. HOWEVER - Just based on these results alone You are able to see the benefits of my latest routine! Not just that but I am STRONGER! In a space of 3 months I've increased my chest strength in Dumbbell Press from 26kgs per arm to 40kgs for 6 reps PER ARM! I've gone from being able to do a 5 PULL-UP SET to nailing a 12 PULL-UP SET! With DAMN GOOD FORM! Squats have always been pretty good but it has changed from 150KG to 170KG 1 Rep Max - Ass to Grass Baby! Almost twice my bodyweight! I'm also looking better! More defined! Now call it bragging, but you can also call it just me wanting to help out. Either way, even I'm stunned at how fast my Strength and Fitness has come on. That's why I wanna share these findings. After 8 years of training, I've never managed such progress in such a short amount of time.... So let me stop taking you round the houses and offer you this plan, which as I've said WORKED FOR ME! WEEK 1: Continue reading... http://ift.tt/2d8KiBU #WilLBfit #Fitness #Wrexham #UK #Train #Struggle #Triumph #Power #Endurance #Strength #Aesthetics #BeMore #DoMore #AllroundFitness #Balance
Couldn't tell you off the top of my head what I weight..... 80? 90? But I can tell you that I'm LEAN, MEAN and a LIFTING MACHINE!..... F*ck weighing yourself! It will only depress yourself if you're 'overweight' and you will only feel acceptable when you're 'underweight'. #Weight is BULLSH*T! #Measurements are OK! #Performance is REAL LIFE! Give your all, be happy in your own skin and Live Long and Prosper! The fittest people I know are deemed 'overweight' or 'obese' based on #BMI You are more than just a number. In training and in life! #fitness #LoveYourself #trainharderthanme #Aesthetics #power #strength #Exercise #healthy #WokeUpOnTheWrongSideOfTheBed
#TBT! #Throwback Tuesday! This is one MAHOOSIVE WTF moments.... I mean that in both senses of the acronym. Witness The Fitness and What The F...... The bro pictured has been at WilL B fit right from the start. After 1 year and a half he has told me that his latest results are all down to a mixture of #Chipper, #Metafit and #MetCon! As you guys all know - I'm a big fan of these styles of training so would always be biased, but here's what I say to this WilL B fit man-of-the-hour! The attitude you have towards fitness is nothing short of impressive. Morning Classes, Evening Workouts and everything in between. All of these are not simply down to the WilL B fit timetable. Your motivation is one that no matter which form of exercising you focus on, you would EXCEL and simply become THE MAN at! It's all down to discipline at the end of the day. The Rise and Grind attitude REGARDLESS of whether you're fresh or have DOMS in every major muscle group. The saying "HELL NO!" to the bad diet habits and saying "HELL YEH!" to the nutrition that will not only help you lose FAT, but gain HEALTH - which is vastly more important. THIS guy has both the inner-strength AND the outer-strength to not only inspire himself, but to inspire others too! This guy PUT THE COOKIE DOWN and reinvented himself! Even if it inspires one person, he's done his bit for mankind. Here's to you, my brother! Have a Protein Shake on me! CONGRATS! Girls and boys - get your 'like' fingers ready and show your appreciation for this SUCKAAAAAAA! @rugbikid #BeforeAndAfter #BeforeAfter #Transformation #Fitness #Workout #Exercise #Power #WilLBfit
LIFE! DO IT RIGHT! Here's another reason to believe that progression is actually EASIER than regression and plateauing. When I struggle with theory, I turn to nature. (What a hippy!) No matter what happens in the world, the force of nature has all the answers. All the theorising on why we are here, is there any point in this life. Should we just exist, or should be put 'effort' in and LIFE - DO WELL IN LIFE - EXCEL PAST THOSE WHO REMAIN AMONG THE HERD AND DO NOT EXPLORE. One INCREDIBLE, STUPENDOUS, GROUND BREAKING piece of evidence that we all have a purpose! Your knees and toes are on the front..... Wait... Is that it?!?! Not so inspiring, ey..... That's because it's not supposed to be some inspirational quote. It's undoubtedly a FACT! Let's put it this way - if your knees were on the back of the body, we'd be designed to go backwards, NOT forwards. If we were designed to stay in one place, we wouldn't have feet. We'd have little stumps on the end of our shins. Not weird, fat little fucking balloons pointing out ahead of us! Over millions and millions of years, the force of nature, evolution has ensured that the human race has a potential brain function superior to any other living being on the planet! And can hold more data than any computer invented today! We're able to communicate with such eloquence and detail about whatever we desire! And we have evolved to walk one way much more efficiently than any other! We were born a success! Born to step forwards, NOT BACK! To progress! The only reason you are failing in life is NOT because your life is pointless, but because you fear progression leads nowhere! It's fear of the Unknown..... Your lifestyle is incongruent! You're scared of going nowhere, so you choose to STAY nowhere?! You only wanna be either where you are right now or where you once were way back when.... There must come a moment where we snap out of this learnt expectation of self-worth and do what comes natural to all of us. Let go of the fear..... Move forward! Not backwards. Not sideways! And....... http://ift.tt/2c5zrK6 #WilLBfit #motivation #power #Fitness #lifefact #evolution #Superman #Hero
LIFE! DO IT RIGHT! Here's another reason to believe that progression is actually EASIER than regression and plateauing. When I struggle with theory, I turn to nature. (What a hippy!) No matter what happens in the world, the force of nature has all the answers. All the theorising on why we are here, is there any point in this life. Should we just exist, or should be put 'effort' in and LIFE - DO WELL IN LIFE - EXCEL PAST THOSE WHO REMAIN AMONG THE HERD AND DO NOT EXPLORE. One INCREDIBLE, STUPENDOUS, GROUND BREAKING piece of evidence that we all have a purpose! Your knees and toes are on the front..... Wait... Is that it?!?! Not so inspiring, ey..... That's because it's not supposed to be some inspirational quote. It's undoubtedly a FACT! Let's put it this way - if your knees were on the back of the body, we'd be designed to go backwards, NOT forwards. If we were designed to stay in one place, we wouldn't have feet. We'd have little stumps on the end of our shins. Not weird, fat little fucking balloons pointing out ahead of us! Over millions and millions of years, the force of nature, evolution has ensured that the human race has a potential brain function superior to any other living being on the planet! And can hold more data than any computer invented today! We're able to communicate with such eloquence and detail about whatever we desire! And we have evolved to walk one way much more efficiently than any other! We were born a success! Born to step forwards, NOT BACK! To progress! The only reason you are failing in life is NOT because your life is pointless, but because you fear progression leads nowhere! It's fear of the Unknown..... Your lifestyle is incongruent! You're scared of going nowhere, so you choose to STAY nowhere?! You only wanna be either where you are right now or where you once were way back when.... There must come a moment where we snap out of this learnt expectation of self-worth and do what comes natural to all of us. Let go of the fear..... Move forward! Not backwards. Not sideways! And....... #WilLBfit #motivation #power #Fitness #lifefact #evolution #Superman #Hero #Beatles #Progress #nature #GoWithTheFlow
ATTACK OF THE PROMO CODES!!!!! Here's our first wave of PROMO CODES from MyProtein.com. So.... BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! All you gotta do is click the LINK of the deal you want, add products to the BASKET, then use the CODE! 😍😍😍 AS PROMISED....... My gift to you! 30% off anything from the Best Sellers section! PROMO CODE: GYM http://ift.tt/2bYXUkb 50% off Amino Acids! PROMO CODE: AMINO http://ift.tt/2cb1413 20% Off Women's Active Range! PROMO CODE: ACTIVE http://ift.tt/2bYX5rF £20 off when you spend over £75! PROMO CODE: SAVE20 http://ift.tt/2cb1ILW £10 off when you spend over £50! http://ift.tt/2cb1ILW FREE Impact Whey Protein Sample Selection Box when you spend £40 PROMO CODE: SELECTS http://ift.tt/2bYY0Ie #WilLBfit #MyProtein! #protein #fitness #gym #exercise #workout #nutrition #bcaa #supplements #supps #savemoney #warrior #power #squat #deadlift #benchpress #weightloss #swole
KIDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!! Which means Health Habits and New Routines! BUT..... Before we go any further, I know many of you will be new beginners. Also, many of you have had a good portion of the holidays off. Beginning or Returning to fitness is not about comparing yourself to others or even to yourself say this time last year - or what have you. It's about stepping stones! Building yourself up in the same patient but persistent way as you did before. I only say because I've made this mistake many times. Put pressure on myself and spoilt my appetite for training. It was only once I took a step back. Thought about why I do this.... Exercise for the enjoyment, the pride of the work ethic, the feel of it. For the love of what I do! Also, the feeling afterwards! I don't do it for people to say "My! He looks good!" NOT because someone tells me to do it! Hell no!!!!! I do it to make me feel good inside and out. I do it for ME! For the person I dream I can one day be! So in the end, you should simply start afresh - literally from scratch with no guilt or shame or sorrow. As long as you're getting to the gym/classes/whatever - You're a WINNER and a WARRIOR! Routines are important, yes! but learning to enjoy the workouts and find slow progression in the workouts (say an extra class per month or lifting a heavier weight safely, consistently jumping higher than before etc) will always be more important. If you do not enjoy fitness, not even in a weird,sick, twisted kind of way as the MILLIONS (and the millions) of WilL B fitters do - then in my opinion you are DOING IT WRONG! FALL IN LOVE with fitness again! Not by forcing it, but by letting it happen to you. Find comfort to it. Do not let it control you, but allow it to work alongside you. First you become a part of it, then it becomes a part of you. The opportunity is there for the taking - beginning TOMORROW! Tomorrow's classes are...... KickFitter - 9.30AM (All Welcome) Jr Gym - 4PM (ages 8-15 with parental consent) Metafit - 6.30PM (All Welcome) Chipper - 7PM (All Welcome but please book) Thanks, guys! #fitnessmotivation #exercise #gym #gymlife #workout #boom
EVERYONE has the potential to become the greater-self. You're on this planet to live, progress and evolve. Don't just exist! ❤️ #exercise #fitness #power #endurance #grow #prosper #train #love #live #starttoday #warrior #picoftheday