I love this! Here's to you and yours at Xmas and New Year! Happy 2017! This is your year, my friends!!!!! #NYE #HappyNewYear! #fitness #success #happiness
In the supermarket..... SHOPPING SO FAR ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ Happy New Year! #NYE #NY #RIPPED #CUTTING #GLUTTONY #GLUTTON #ShameOnYou #ShameOnMe #HealthyEasting
Best advice. There's more to life than just living off others. You're a true man when you actually step up and and want to provide for others too - be that financially or emotionally. this is up there with my own life goals of #wealth, #health, #fame, #fitness and #prosperity for me.... #BeAMan #Love #Respect #Loyalty #Pride #ThinksHesJohnCena #exercise #fitspiration #beckham #davidbeckham #goals #fitnessgoals #lifegoals
๐๐ THROWBACK TUESDAY!!! ๐๐ Here's something to KEEP YOU MOTIVATED over Christmas! This is Natalie Forsyth! She has 2 kids and absolutely ZERO excuses. It has taken GRIT and it has taken HEART to get to where she is at now! Not only a weight change, but also an INCREDIBLE shape change! But it has all been achievable.... HOW?! That's the beautiful thing about the members of WilL B fit.... They're all like-minded! All seeking to better each other as well as themselves!!! Creating opportunities for others, and the favour is returned in time! In WilL B fit, camaraderie always supersedes jealousy, and it shows in each and every member! Steel Sharpens Steel as we grow stronger as a unit! And here's one of the most humble of our unit so she wouldn't tell you this, but she has inspired so many in our Fitness Centre, including the instructors. Who knows what's next for this girl?! Nat. When you're on the cover of FHM, a mention wouldn't go a miss ๐ Everyone get liking for the amazing - ๐ฏ๐ช๐ป๐ฏ Natalie Forsyth!!!! ๐ฏ๐ช๐ป๐ฏ #WilLBfit #TBT #throwbacktuesday #throwbackthursday #backintheday #FatToFit #Proud #Warrior #Machine #LadiesWhoLift #Arbonne #ArbonneLife #fitness #Workout #fitspiration #Exercise #Nutrition #RealFitness #Metafit #KickFitter
Training is VERY important..... But it's only as I grow I realise how REST, LOVE and FAMILY are just important..... #โค๏ธ #BlueLagoon #iceland #northernlights #Love #fun #holiday #WilLBfit #TheOnlyRestWorthIsTheRestEarned @emily_davies26 @emilysarahmay_arbonne @bluelagooniceland
AWWWWWESOME SpinFit Class this AM! And people say you can't build your legs with #endurance! Gotta Set A Trend Too! Never thought I'd say it, but I LOVE #Spin #Fitmas #CrossSpin #NewClass #Spin #NotSpin #workout #exercise #fitness #quads #Pins #quadzilla #quadfather #swole #LegDay #AllTheGearNoIdea #EverydayIsLegDay #Wrexham #Rhos #TheCountry #Gym
LAST MINUTE #ARBONNE PROTEIN #DEALS!!!!! Available to ANYONE! All you need for these is a consultant link..... WHICH WE HAVE FOR YOU! ------> http://ift.tt/2fOXFpw #bogof #241 #HalfPrice #ArbonneLife #fitness #protein #proteindeals #love #loveprotein #muscle #musclefood #swole #exercise #fitness #warrior #warriors
If you're stuck in the system and working a job you have no passion for, no belief, no job/life satisfaction - it doesn't matter how much it pays! You'll never be happy. Be selfish for once and find something that enhances YOU! And only THEN will you be able to help others! #WilLBfit #Workout #fitness #exercise #Inspire #love #lookafteryourself #lookafterothers #SelfishToBeSelfless #Proud #passion #lovewhatyouhave #lovewhatyoudo
GIRLS and BOYS! FRIENDS and RELATIONS! We are EXCITED to invite THE WHOLE population of this area and the next! ๐ ๐ป Young AND not-so-young... ๐ ๐ป To WilL B fit's FIRST Annual Children's Christmas Party!!!!!! We will have: FOR THE KIDS (and kid-like adults.... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!): ๐ FITNESS XMAS GAMES ๐ As well as a Bouncy Castle, Santa's Grotto, Glitter Tattoos AND MORE! ALL kids must be accompanied by an adult so bring your Daughters, Sons, Nieces, Nephews, Distant Relations and any Little Monster you can think of just for an excuse to bounce about! FOR THE ADULTS: ๐ ๐ป๐A CHRISTMAS FAIR! ๐๐ ๐ป Including Christmas Gifts - Cake Stall! A Bathe-In-Beauty Bath Bomb Stall! Stanley Jones Butchers Stall! Arbonne Skincare and Beauty Stall! ๐๐ (There are also a few more spaces for more Xmas Stalls if anyone would like one for ONLY ยฃ10) ๐๐ EVERYONE is encouraged to turn up in clothing that is not only sport-ready, but also FESTIVE! ๐ Begins at 2PM - Saturday 17th of December '16! ๐ We're rocking the end of 2016 EXACTLY how we plan to rock the whole of 2017! ๐ Looking for donations towards the Xmas Fair: - Cakes - Mince Pies ๐ (Not all for me, promise!) - Coffee -Tea - Anything you guys are kind enough to offer! THANKS, EVERYONE! And see you on the 17th! LET'S ROCK THIS! WilL B fit, Rhos Coppi Estate, Wrexham, LL14 1TG! #WilLBfitmas #Rhos #Wrexham #Christmas #festive #activities #kids #forkids #foradults #foreverybody
GET MOTIVATED! Without doubt, one thing that is lacking these days - not just in the fitness community, but in most social circles. The recognition of self-accountability. These days, it's everyone else's fault. "Oh Poor me. I have to work these long hours because my boss said so." "It's not fair that she is doing so well and I am not." In my line of work I hear it all: "My parents didn't push me into sports when I was younger." "I live with someone who makes me eat bad food." "I don't like vegetables" "I don't have the time to exercise." THIS is the life that you chose! No one is in control of you, except YOU!!!! If you do something or don't do something - that is YOUR CHOICE! You keep feeling sorry for yourself because things in life happen to you. The fact you're choosing to ignore is that the majority of things in your life only occur because you let them happen! Life is here for you to take it. We're not here to simply exist like the 90% of the population, but to do something worth while! For your health and for your dignity! After a while you'll become a different person. One who looks at the positives instead of the negatives. One who takes charge of their own life and stops blaming others! One who fights through any doubt and who embraces the opportunities pushes through the bitterness until there is only greatness! And even then on the rare occasion when life treats you bad, you'll have the strength to stand up no matter how many times you get knocked down! No matter how many times you get pushed over, beaten up or picked on, you'll arise time and time again stronger, look life straight in the eye and shout! - "It's Not Over, Until I Win!" #WilLBfit #LesBrown #Fitness #Life #Win #Winner #positive #Positivity #Meme #motivationalquotes #fitspiration #NeverGiveUp
PROTEIN MEALS! Well, NOW I've seen everything! Easy-Cook High-Protein meals available for people who just don't have the time, or who are just downright lazy with their meal prep! Available to ANYONE who clicks the link below! CHECK OUT THIS LINK BELOW:: Offer: 3 for 2 Protein Meals! Code: MEAL How: click link, add product to basket and add code Expiry: Midnight 24th November URL: http://ift.tt/2fCuTdr BELOW is also an OFFER for Best Sellers like Whey Protein, Amino Acids and more: Offer: 30% off 30 Bestsellers Code: DEAL How: click link, add product to basket Expiry: Midnight 17.11.16 URL: http://ift.tt/2g4F35f #Myprotein #Protein #WilLBfit #MyproteinAffiliate #swole #lifting #lifter #fitness #nutrition #health #workout #exercise #buff #gains #gainz #beast #beastmode #bodybuilding #crossfit #triathlon #yoga #muscle #musclefood
Me and the Top Gym Instructor/TaeKwonDo Coach here at WilL B fit having a cuppa..... Before you #SUCKAS say anything, it's #GingerTea! #Herbal #HerbalTea ๐๐ป #Gym #Friends ๐๐ป #willbfit #bff #fitness #mug #mugs #workout #tkd #taekwondo #cuppa #paned #brew #Power #TaeKwonJo
In the words of the King!.... A little less conversation, a little more action please! GET TO THE GYM! #WilLBfit #Fear #TheKing #Workout #fitness #Elvis #power #goals #hope #dreams #want
Here's the offer of the MONTH! ALL ARBONNE PRODUCTS DISCOUNTED!!!!! 20% OFF TO ALL! 40% OFF TO PREFERRED CLIENTS! Place your order below and we'll contact you! Lasting until November 24th! http://ift.tt/2fOXFpw #WilLBfit #ArbonneLife #ArbonneLifestyle #Arbonne #Protein #Cosmetics #SkinCare #Phytosport
๐๐First Tutorial Vid! ๐๐ Been wanting to start these for ages! And finally got round to it. Check it out on link below! FOLLOW OUR PAGE ON #FACEBOOK! https://www.facebook.com/WilLBfit/videos/1250051458348676/ #WilLBfit #BloodPressure #LowBloodPressure #Isometric #Isometrictraining #Fitness #fitnessjourney #lifterproblems #weightlossjourney weightlifting #Power #Strength # #f4f #changeyourlife #changeyourmindset #traininsane
Joyous weekend! I hope you've all had a great one! Time to begin again! Monday's are the greatest day for opportunity! Want #Health? Want #Fitness? Then don't EVER miss a Monday! #KickFitter - 9.30AM #JuniorGym - 4PM #SpinFit - 5.30PM #Metafit - 6.30PM #Chipper - 7PM #WilLBfit #Power #Stronger #Talent #InShape #HardWork #WorkHard #Greatness #JimWendler #MondayMotivation
Great week in the WilL B fit house! Including SpinFit, Metafit, Chipper and more.... ALSO including our latest Impact MMA class going through INTENSE Olympic Standard Wrestling! Friday Nights from 6.30PM! 4 guys to start, but this is a means to a GREAT addition to our classes. All welcome! Including members! NEXT CLASS - Sunday! Metafit - 10.30AM Yoga - 11.10AM #WilLBfit #ImpactMMA #MMA #Metafit #Wrexham #Fitness #Power #Wrestling #Spin #Chipper #Weight #Health #BJJ #GrecoRoman #Cycling #Bike #HIIT
MYPROTEIN HAVE OFFERED A COUPLE OF FREAKY DEALS! Good morning! Halloween has gone so no more tricks..... JUST TREATS! Jump on them! Offer: Free Protein Advent Calendar when you spend ยฃ40 Code: ADVENT How: click link, add product to basket and add code Expiry: Midnight 10nd November URL: http://ift.tt/2eyrTxC Offer: 25% off your entire order when you buy any Protein Dessert! Code: DESSERT How: click link, add product to basket and add code Expiry: Midnight 8nd November URL: http://ift.tt/2frd2mi ENJOY! #WilLBfit #Myprotein #protein #offers #cheapprotein #cheatmeal #cheatday #musclefood #fitness #bulkingseason
Working hard? Or hardly working? Long days in work, so WHY THE HELL NOT?! #WilLBfit #Starbucks #TheBucks #Stars #Coffee #coffeemonster #Caffeine #livingthedream #livingthegoodlife #Fitness? #WheresMyCroissant!
I don't normally share my #Chipper workouts as I like people to have the surprise when they turn up. Plus, I'm a bit of a hermit..... .... But THIS baby was just too good to not offer out to others to try! 50 reps of each exercise! If you need to rest in the: #SquatCleans - DON'T TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF THE BAR #PushPress - DON'T TAKE THE BAR ANY LOWER THAN THE CHEST! #BarJumps - STAY IN THE SQUAT!DO NOT STAND UP! NO KNEES ON THE FLOOR! #PushUps - DO NOT LIE DOWN OR PUT YOUR KNEES DOWN ON THE FLOOR. #SumoDeadliftHighPull - DON'T TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF THE BAR! Violate ANY OF THESE RULES...... 5 BURPEES there and then! Needless to say, there were PLENTY of them last night! And as the picture suggests, it's a #KILLER! See you this week at WilL B fit ๐ #Fitness #camaraderie #gym #crosslifting #crosstraining #Barbell #highintensity #hiit #Power #MentalStrength #perseverance #fatburn
Yes, Yes! It's a Jungle Book quote! But looking around tonight, I realised that if it were solely just you there, training.... You'd probably give 50% of your energy compared with the 100% you've given tonight! The greatest part of WilL B fit is that you all influence whoever is near to do better! You encourage each other, you push one and other. You are incredible because of each other! Next time you're in a class, be #thankful for your #inspiration all around you, but be #proud that for someone else, the inspiration is YOU! Great workouts tonight, guys! You made someone stronger today! TUESDAY MORNING CLASSES at WilL B fit! Metafit - 6.45AM ChipperFit - 9.30AM #WilLBfit #Fitness #Strength #Wolf #Pack #WolfPack #Kipling #JungleBook #disney #gym #comrads #camaraderie
Late evening walk trying to burn off the roast dinner! ๐ค #WilLBfit #FoodBaby #SundayRoast #feeltheburn #cardio #fitness #stimulatethemind #stimulatethebody #audible #bio #jungian #jung #carljung
Congratulations to Ian @ianwilly79 Williams, Head Coach of @impactmma_wxm (found here! At WilLBfit! #Wrexham AWESOME WIN! You Came, Saw AND #Conquered Leading By Example #machine! #IMPACTMMA! REMEMBER THE NAME! #WilLBfit #FightingFit #fitness #MMA #GetTheBeersIn #IceFC #UFC #Warrior
BOOM!!!!!! This is to all the Ladies and the Gents who joined us and busted their arses tonight at WilL B fit! Inspiring to say the least. Hopefully one day this fitness lark will start rubbing off on me!!! ๐๐ป Tuesday's classes: 6.45AM - Metafit 9.30AM - ChipperFit 10.10AM - Yoga 4PM - Jr Gym 5.15PM - TKD 5.30PM - SpinFit 6.30PM - Chipper 7PM - Impact MMA 7.30PM - Metafit SEE YOU THEN! #WilLBfit #Wrexham #Metafit #Chipper #Yoga #Spin #TKD #MMA #ChipperFit #gym #Fitness #TimeToShine
Gym - starting fromยฃ16pm and be part of this.... FREE workout programmes FREE nutrition advice CHEAP Personal Training ยฃ70pm for 1 session per week! You do the math... Everyone says "We have the best gym in town!" All I'll promise is that for a starting price of ยฃ16pm you won't just change your body..... You will change who you are! Or rather, you will ENHANCE the greatness that is already within you and you will OVERCOME the weak parts of you and develop yourself INSIDE and OUTSIDE! With WilL B fit, fitness will be #fun #rewarding and #therapeutic but most of all it will be a #Journey! Life is NOT about what you get. IT'S ABOUT WHAT YOU BECOME! Don't turn into a #meathead bully that just wants muscles and has no respect for anyone else Don't turn into a #cardiofreak who fears weights and limits themselves to #running #Cycling or #Swimming Be proud of yourself for reasons that don't hurt others but empower others! Be something that will give you the BEST quality of life for a looooong time. THIS is what we're about! Have a great weekend I'll see you Monday! #WilLBfit #strength #power #innerstrength #innerpeace #empower #fitnessmotivation #fitness #gym
AND SO..... Friday has arrived! Here we are, guys! You may think it's time to rest. That you couldn't take another fat burning killer workout. But it's now that it counts more than any other time! Your metabolism is already up and with 1 more session under your belt, your #BMR is gonna skyrocket and keep you burning those extra vital calories ALLLLLLL WEEKEND! #HereWeGo! FRIDAY: 9.30AM - SpinFit 4PM - Jr Gym 5.30PM - Metafit 6.15PM - Fit-To-Box (FREE TO NON-MEMBERS!) #WilLBfit #painisjustweaknessleavingthebody #traininsaneoremainthesame #fitnessmotivation #fitness #workethic #power #endurance #strength #therapy
FLOWER POWER! (Plant, really!) Just about to order yet ANOTHER batch for myself and Emily. Anyone needing more Arbonne in their life right now? You can either buy it directly off the link below, or if you let myself and Emily know, we're doing a deal for MEMBERS only! On Arbonne Protein - 20% off +p&p (shared between everyone who buys) Powders AND Pre-made Shakes both included! - Powder Bag Vanilla/Choc - ยฃ46 - 12 Vanilla/Choc Protein Ready-To-Drink Shakes - ยฃ26 http://ift.tt/2elIS5Q OFFER LASTS TIL THE END OF THE WEEK! 23rd October 2016! #WilLBfit #ArbonneLife #arbonne #WilLBhealthy #protein #nutrition #fitness #vitamins #bcaa
Every class we offer at WilL B fit, from the #weightlifting classes, to the #MMA classes, and the #endurance classes, #HIIT classes, WHATEVER IT IS!!!! This quote explains us perfectly! No matter how irrational it may seem. How unorthodox and strange it may seem beforehand.... It is afterwards your eyes are opened wide, your horizons broadened and realise that in fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg! You realise your potential is endless and you're only now learning just how incredible you actually are! P.S. When the class tells me to join in with the class, maybe I should make sure I'm as fit as the class first... Whooped by you tonight, guys! Suit up! Thursday's classes below: Metafit - 6.45AM Chipper - 9.30AM Jr Gym - 4PM Metafit - 5.30PM LBT-X - 6PM MetCon - 7PM MMA Conditioning (UTS) - 7PM #WilLBfit #fitness #metcon #thursday #gym
One of my PTs! Also one of my truest SwoleMates! @kproctor17 YPU ROCKED! #WilLBfit #Fitness #girlswholift #ladieswholift #machine #pt #personaltrainer #gym #cleanandjerk #snatch #thruster #SheDeservedIt
Here's what a couple of our guys have been up to this weekend while we were having a lie in! #HellRunner! Amazing job, Hellen and Jon Reilly! I'd pick 10 Chippers Back-To-Back any day over that #BEAST ROCKED IT! #hellrunner2016 #trail #running #trailrunning # #halfmarathon #13miles #poorfeet #fitness #cardio #WilLBfit ๐ช๐ป
Every strong woman I have the pleasure an being acquainted with..... #Booty #bootyfordays #strong #strongwilled #lifegoals #ladieswholift #ladiesthatlift #business #growth #selflove #oosh!
..... To all the girls out there who lift them WEIGHTS! ๐ช๐ป #ladieswholift #weightlifting #power #strength #deadlift #snatch #clean #jerk #RealWoman #swolesister #swolesisters #fitness #workout
The difference between a #bum and an #ass Know the difference! #asstograss #glutestoboots #squats #squatbooty #weights #ladieswholift #boom! #fitness #warrior
This has been the background on my phone for the last 6 months. And I shall tell you why! My belief - Everyone has an opportunity to give something to the world if they grow and blossom. Develop their thoughts, beliefs and ideas and be rewarded tenfold in accordance. It's normally something you enjoy doing most of the time! If you live in fear of what others think of you, you'll never find time to be who you wanna be. If fact, you'll never find time to be who you SHOULD be. And in turn you'll never find time to discover what you mean to this world. If you're happy in your life as it is, congratulations. You're in the 3% of the world. If not, what are you gonna do about it? No matter what others think - find yourself, understand yourself and know yourself. At the very least, you should try to be the king OR #Queen of your own life. Be #unfuckwithable ! #destiny #meaning office #wepositive #psychology #alanwatts #life #givenofucks #king #kingwithin
THE PROTEIN STRIKES BACK! Awesome deals with #MYPROTEIN Here's the codes that will make eating for #GAINZ even more appealing Incl #Protein Choc #Brownie, Protein #muffin Mix ๐ Offer: 40% off Pills and Aminos Code: PILLAMINO How: click link below, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 3rd October URL: http://ift.tt/2cV3SQJ Offer: Range Spotlight โ Up to 40% OFF New Bake at Home Range Code: no code required How: click link below, add products to basket Expiry: midnight 2nd October URL: http://ift.tt/2dyDTM8 Offer: 15% off when you spend ยฃ20 Code: SAVE15UK How: click link below, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 2nd October URL: http://ift.tt/2cV26id Offer: 20% off when you spend ยฃ40 Code: SAVE20UK How: click link below, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 2nd October URL: http://ift.tt/2cV26id Offer: 25% off when you spend ยฃ60 Code: SAVE25UK How: click link below, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 2nd October URL: http://ift.tt/2cV26id Offer: 30% off when you spend ยฃ80 Code: SAVE30UK How: click link below, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 2nd October URL: http://ift.tt/2cV26id Offer: 35% off when you spend ยฃ100! Code: SAVE35UK How: click link below, add products to basket and use code Expiry: midnight 2nd October URL: http://ift.tt/2cV26id #WilLBfit #fit #OOSH
ONE FOR ALL THE #MUMS OUT THERE (Including mine - even if it is 25 years since the last one ๐) SHARE if you know anyone who this could help!!! ***THE FLAB DESTROYING 4!*** 4 Exercises for New Mummas Now these exercises will not only bring back your core stability (STRONGER THAN EVER!), but will also result in the toning and and fat loss around the midline. THIS INCLUDES ANY 'C-SECTION POUCHES'! First Exercise - The Bridge: 0 Weeks Onwards! This is a #corestability exercise which you can do fresh out of hospital! Begin with 3x30 second holds in the raised position with 20 seconds rest between. Your hamstrings, lower-back and glutes (posh for 'bum') should be tensed and the body, from the knees to the neck should all be one nice straight line. To make this exercise more challenging (there by making your core stronger) โข Add time to these holds, 5 seconds extra. (Aim for 2 minutes per hold over time) โข Add a small weight and hold it on your midline (Aim to build up to 10kg over time) โข Raise the heels off the floor Through all this, ensure the belly button is still heading North! Seconds Exercise - Side Plank: 2 Weeks Onwards! So 2 weeks of Bridge has done wonders but it's getting a little stale. Time to add this to the equation to get rid of the Love-Handles! Again, hold the body in this position: 3x30 seconds to start EACH SIDE! The body must be in a straight line! You should feel this on the shoulders obliques, glutes and abductors. To make this exercise more challenging (there by making your core stronger) โข Add time to the holds, 5 seconds or more (aim for 1 minutes 30 per hold over time) โข Raise the above leg as much as needed. Ensure the body is still nice and straight. Third Exercise - The Abs Scissors Switch: 3 Weeks Onwards! Not just holds. We are repping it out! One heel facing the sky, the other 3 inches off the floor. After a HOLD OF 3 SECONDS, the positioning of the legs are switched. You should feel this in the hip flexors and the abs (mainly the lower abs!) 3x12 repetitions. So... http://ift.tt/2dybh5L #postnatal #postnatalexercise #fitness #babyweight #baby #WilLBfit