Yes, Yes! It's a Jungle Book quote! But looking around tonight, I realised that if it were solely just you there, training.... You'd probably give 50% of your energy compared with the 100% you've given tonight! The greatest part of WilL B fit is that you all influence whoever is near to do better! You encourage each other, you push one and other. You are incredible because of each other! Next time you're in a class, be #thankful for your #inspiration all around you, but be #proud that for someone else, the inspiration is YOU! Great workouts tonight, guys! You made someone stronger today! TUESDAY MORNING CLASSES at WilL B fit! Metafit - 6.45AM ChipperFit - 9.30AM #WilLBfit #Fitness #Strength #Wolf #Pack #WolfPack #Kipling #JungleBook #disney #gym #comrads #camaraderie

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