AND SO..... Friday has arrived! Here we are, guys! You may think it's time to rest. That you couldn't take another fat burning killer workout. But it's now that it counts more than any other time! Your metabolism is already up and with 1 more session under your belt, your #BMR is gonna skyrocket and keep you burning those extra vital calories ALLLLLLL WEEKEND! #HereWeGo! FRIDAY: 9.30AM - SpinFit 4PM - Jr Gym 5.30PM - Metafit 6.15PM - Fit-To-Box (FREE TO NON-MEMBERS!) #WilLBfit #painisjustweaknessleavingthebody #traininsaneoremainthesame #fitnessmotivation #fitness #workethic #power #endurance #strength #therapy

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Written by Admin

Aliquam molestie ligula vitae nunc lobortis dictum varius tellus porttitor. Suspendisse vehicula diam a ligula malesuada a pellentesque turpis facilisis. Vestibulum a urna elit. Nulla bibendum dolor suscipit tortor euismod eu laoreet odio facilisis.