I don't normally share my #Chipper workouts as I like people to have the surprise when they turn up. Plus, I'm a bit of a hermit..... .... But THIS baby was just too good to not offer out to others to try! 50 reps of each exercise! If you need to rest in the: #SquatCleans - DON'T TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF THE BAR #PushPress - DON'T TAKE THE BAR ANY LOWER THAN THE CHEST! #BarJumps - STAY IN THE SQUAT!DO NOT STAND UP! NO KNEES ON THE FLOOR! #PushUps - DO NOT LIE DOWN OR PUT YOUR KNEES DOWN ON THE FLOOR. #SumoDeadliftHighPull - DON'T TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF THE BAR! Violate ANY OF THESE RULES...... 5 BURPEES there and then! Needless to say, there were PLENTY of them last night! And as the picture suggests, it's a #KILLER! See you this week at WilL B fit 😉 #Fitness #camaraderie #gym #crosslifting #crosstraining #Barbell #highintensity #hiit #Power #MentalStrength #perseverance #fatburn

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2ePwV9t


Written by Admin

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