GET MOTIVATED! Without doubt, one thing that is lacking these days - not just in the fitness community, but in most social circles. The recognition of self-accountability. These days, it's everyone else's fault. "Oh Poor me. I have to work these long hours because my boss said so." "It's not fair that she is doing so well and I am not." In my line of work I hear it all: "My parents didn't push me into sports when I was younger." "I live with someone who makes me eat bad food." "I don't like vegetables" "I don't have the time to exercise." THIS is the life that you chose! No one is in control of you, except YOU!!!! If you do something or don't do something - that is YOUR CHOICE! You keep feeling sorry for yourself because things in life happen to you. The fact you're choosing to ignore is that the majority of things in your life only occur because you let them happen! Life is here for you to take it. We're not here to simply exist like the 90% of the population, but to do something worth while! For your health and for your dignity! After a while you'll become a different person. One who looks at the positives instead of the negatives. One who takes charge of their own life and stops blaming others! One who fights through any doubt and who embraces the opportunities pushes through the bitterness until there is only greatness! And even then on the rare occasion when life treats you bad, you'll have the strength to stand up no matter how many times you get knocked down! No matter how many times you get pushed over, beaten up or picked on, you'll arise time and time again stronger, look life straight in the eye and shout! - "It's Not Over, Until I Win!" #WilLBfit #LesBrown #Fitness #Life #Win #Winner #positive #Positivity #Meme #motivationalquotes #fitspiration #NeverGiveUp

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