SIMPLE MOTIVATION TRICK! You 'should' be proud..... That's what we keep telling ourselves and others that we should be proud. "Oh, you lost some weight dude? Good for you. You should be proud..." For years we've been kidding ourselves thinking that what we say is not affecting what we believe. The word 'should' has many countries detrimental side-effects on the human condition. 'Should' signifies that against all our moral fibres we are ordered to do an act. Merely because somebody says that we SHOULD! As a result things rarely get accomplished any further. Replace the word 'should' with the word 'MUST'. Not just in your vocabulary but in your soul, mind, inner being - Whatever you wanna call it! This is the difference between wanting something and needing something. MUST tells us that there is really no other option! That it's either DO..... or DEATH! When you have to work for something that you want, you feel as though you should 'go on my diet' 'lift them weights', 'go for that run' because society tells us that we should. When you work for something you NEED..... to keep your children safe for example..... you'd give your all until your last breath! You are missing the point. The reason why you MUST go on a diet that you MUST lift them weights and that you MUST go for that run has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks about you. You MUST do all this because your LIFE ACTUALLY DEPENDS ON IT! You eat healthy and you burn calories because if you didn't you would gain yourself a heart condition or diabetes or maybe even both. Your muscles will waste away and your joints will take the brunt of your weight, and your joints, once worn away, do not grow back! Become fit and healthy not because anyone tells you to. Become fit and healthy because it is a commitment that YOU have made to yourself. Non of this "oh I best go to a fitness class, otherwise my instructor won't be happy." We're not upset for our livelihood. You're still paying your membership! We get upset for your livelihood. Your one hidden aim in life.... Check Facebook: WilL B fit #WilLBfit #gym #fitness #turnyourshouldsintomusts #tonyrobbins #motivation #fitnessmotivation

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Aliquam molestie ligula vitae nunc lobortis dictum varius tellus porttitor. Suspendisse vehicula diam a ligula malesuada a pellentesque turpis facilisis. Vestibulum a urna elit. Nulla bibendum dolor suscipit tortor euismod eu laoreet odio facilisis.