FINALLY, the holidays are over. Slightly depressing, but mostly relieving for myself Here's my meal prep at its absolute finest and most MISERABLE! So many people moan because their #proteinshakes are too bland, their #proteincookies don't taste like real cookies. They buy #proteinbread and say "oh it's not like real bread!" THAT'S THE MO-FO-ing POINT, BROS! It DOES NOT taste like those foods because THOSE foods aren't really good!!!!! Any bread that has more bulking agent in it than vitamins or fibre, and cookie that has more sweetness than savoury in it, and protein shake that tastes like #McDonalds milkshake... Why would we ever consider this as 'food'? IT'S NOT FOOD! In no way is it #goodfood. But mind numbing #drugs! Put into you to create a temporary fix rather than permanent satisfaction! So that instead of helping the world,or even helping your own psyche and basic bodily functions, you you do is think about food. And why?!Because the bad food has filled the physical void (your stomach) but hasn't filled your body with the nutrients needed to get on with your life! So in turn we remain unsatisfied and STILL EMOTIONALLY STARVED! Now,it's just been Christmas.I've indulged, you've indulged. I'm not saying you can't eat unhealthy food, but just admit to yourself that it is NOT really food! At any point through the holidays, did you ever feel content? I know I didn't. I was either eating til stuffed!Or after it wore off I was starving again! Emotional starvation again! As you can see,I'm back on it.Not because I force myself to eat healthy, but because I know this food, as boring as it may seem, will help me train better, think better and will critically help me live better! That's what we're here to do! NOT just gorge and exist, but to fuel and prosper. To #LIVE! ...Says the man who had 2 desserts tonight...🙈 Like I say,always! This blog is to keep me in check. If anyone else benefits from my advice to myself,that's a bonus 😉 I'm having 1 cup of rice,2 tins of oily tuna and a shed load of veg because IT WORKS! It's #BulkingSeason baby! #Christmas #ImLovinit #fitness #newyearnewme 😂 #food #musclefood #fuel #fatty #keepitsimplestupid

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Written by Admin

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