HELL YEAH! You know it, brother! We've all been there!!!! Awesome training sessions tonight! LET'S DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!!! Tomorrow is #HUMPDAY. Not #CHUMPDAY You are NOT gonna wanna miss it! #AmenToThat #Brother #Hogan #HulkHogan #HollywoodHogan #MrAmerica #RealAmerican #WWE #FITNESS #WORKOUT #STRENGTH #gym #Gymspiration #WhatYaGonnaDo

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This is ALWAYS me! #GoYourOwnWay #Gym #Exercise #Workout #liftweights #gymmotivation #fitspiration #fitnessmotivation #lonewolf #hiit #power #life #lonelyatthetop

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For MORE incredible gym advice.... GET TO WILL B FIT GYM! Great start to the week! Happy Monday!!! HERE'S TUESDAY! TUESDAY: 6.45AM - Metafit 9.30AM - ChipperFit 10.10AM - Yoga 4PM - Jr Gym 5.15PM - TKD 5.30PM - SpinFit 6.30PM - Chipper 7PM - Impact MMA 7.30PM - Metafit #workout #liftweights #gymmotivation #fitspiration #fitnessmotivation #mma #powerlifting #hiit #hiitworkout #TKD #Chipper #Yoga #SpinClass #Gym

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Great warm-up/cooldown song for you all! Absolutely beautiful feel-good song that my friend @clare_arnold is having at her wedding..... But I CANNOT STOP rocking out to it! Turn it up to 11! 💪🏻👌🏻 #SweetDisposition #warmup #cooldown #fitness #workoutmusic #spinclass #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitspiration #gym #gymmotivation #runningsong #liftweights

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Another great morning session with KickFitter! Mondays - 9.30AM! #WilLBfit #tkd #taekwondo #exercise #workout #fitness #rhos #wrexham #tkj #fighting #kickfitter #mondaymotivation #mondaymorning

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Our early morning session! 6.45AM - MONDAY MAYHEM! Looking fierce, you beasts! #WilLBfit #mondaymayhem #mondaymotivation #mondaymorning #noexcuses #makingadifference #weightliss #fatloss #wrexham #rhos #fitness #workout #exercise #metcon

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Enough said! If you had Saturday off, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! #Sunday is a day of #Reps! Metafit - 10.30AM Yoga - 11.10AM Gym Open 9.30AM-4.30PM #WilLBfit #Metafit #yoga #yinyang #balance #hard #soft #combo #plyo #hiit #Grind

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Old Clean and Jerk - 42.5KG Blagged her that she had to lift 50KG. Kelly being Kelly, she didn't even question it and tried it anyway. As we were building it up, I chucked 45KG on like she lifted it regularly..... Kelly being Kelly, she lifted it like a broom handle!.... Then I took a sneaky pic Now Kelly's PB is 45KG Piece of cake! 😉 This is the year of the PROCTOR! @kproctor17 #KP #WilLBfit #turnyourshouldsintomusts #powerlifting #ladieswholift #girlswholift #liftinggoals #beast #swole #fitness #workout #exercise #barbell #cleanandjerk #fitnessmotivation

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But if a dodgy meme this week!.... But I hope you all appreciate the sentiment 😎#😜 Book! Or let me know if you can not make this week pleeeease!!!! If you were here last week, you automatically have a space! Monday SpinFit - 5.30PM 1. Wayne E Jones (Instructor) 2. Joanne Pemberton 3. Emma Kate Roberts 4. Sian Thomas 5. Siân Edwards 6. Sharon Farmer 7. Warren Farmer 8. Ceri Davies 9. Bethan Jenkins 10. Elisha Evans 11. Cath Owen 12. 13. 14. 15. Book! Or let me know if you can not make this week pleeeease!!!! Tuesday SpinFit - 5.30PM 1. Jo Paletta (Instructor) 2. Tesni Ffion 3. Elen Angharad 4. Tracey D'Allestro 5. Andrea Greenwood 6. Sharon Farmer 7. Warren Farmer 8. Dan Roberts 9. Cath Owen 10. Ceri Davies 11. Joanne Pemberton 12. Mary Loughlin 13. Dino Paletta 14. Molly Whelan Friday CrossSpin (Half Spin, Half Weights) - 9.30AM 1. William Luke Bithell (Instructors) 2. Silvana Murray Crisp 3. 4. Joanne Griffiths 5. Gillian Hayes 6. Claire Mcgrady 7. Vicki Ashworth 8. Karen Griffiths 9. Katie Owen 10. Helen Reilly 11. Sharon Owen 12. 13. Helen Meredith 14. Sophie Morris 15. Carolyn Hannaby Friday Night DiscoSpin 5.45PM! (NEW CLASS) - 1. Sarah Willington 2. Tesni Ffion 3. Elen Angharad 4. Ceri Davies 5. Sara Anwen 6. Bethan Jenkins 7. Sharon Farmer 8. Anya Randles 9. Kevin Ellison 10. Dan Roberts 11. Joanne Pemberton 12. Cath Owen 13. Silvana Murray Crisp 14. Sian Thomas 15. Siân Edwards 16. Alison Heidi Bithell Friday Night DiscoSpin 6.30PM! (NEW CLASS) - 1. 2. 3. Donna Garrett 4. Clare Gittins 5. Samantha Gardner 6. 7. Heather Owen 8. Mared Rees 9. Emma Kate Roberts 10. Anna 11. Rebecca Evans 12. Laura Anwen 13. Andrea Greenwood 14. Dylanandemma Noot 15. Richard Jones If I've missed anyone out, please let me know! #WilLBfit #SpinFit #CrossSpin #DiscoSpin #innuendo #worjoyt #gym #shocking #spinclass #spinningclass

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#Myprotein affiliate #deals!!!! Don't forget to click the #LINK for the offer! #Enjoy, my peeps! PROMO CODES Read em and REAP! #protein #deals #cheapprotein #greatvalue #musclefuel #musclefood #fitness #workout #exercise #swole #power #strength #nutrition #runclub

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SIMPLE MOTIVATION TRICK! You 'should' be proud..... That's what we keep telling ourselves and others that we should be proud. "Oh, you lost some weight dude? Good for you. You should be proud..." For years we've been kidding ourselves thinking that what we say is not affecting what we believe. The word 'should' has many countries detrimental side-effects on the human condition. 'Should' signifies that against all our moral fibres we are ordered to do an act. Merely because somebody says that we SHOULD! As a result things rarely get accomplished any further. Replace the word 'should' with the word 'MUST'. Not just in your vocabulary but in your soul, mind, inner being - Whatever you wanna call it! This is the difference between wanting something and needing something. MUST tells us that there is really no other option! That it's either DO..... or DEATH! When you have to work for something that you want, you feel as though you should 'go on my diet' 'lift them weights', 'go for that run' because society tells us that we should. When you work for something you NEED..... to keep your children safe for example..... you'd give your all until your last breath! You are missing the point. The reason why you MUST go on a diet that you MUST lift them weights and that you MUST go for that run has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks about you. You MUST do all this because your LIFE ACTUALLY DEPENDS ON IT! You eat healthy and you burn calories because if you didn't you would gain yourself a heart condition or diabetes or maybe even both. Your muscles will waste away and your joints will take the brunt of your weight, and your joints, once worn away, do not grow back! Become fit and healthy not because anyone tells you to. Become fit and healthy because it is a commitment that YOU have made to yourself. Non of this "oh I best go to a fitness class, otherwise my instructor won't be happy." We're not upset for our livelihood. You're still paying your membership! We get upset for your livelihood. Your one hidden aim in life.... Check Facebook: WilL B fit #WilLBfit #gym #fitness #turnyourshouldsintomusts #tonyrobbins #motivation #fitnessmotivation

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TODAY'S CLASSES! TUESDAY: 6.45AM - Metafit 9.30AM - ChipperFit 10.10AM - Yoga 4PM - Jr Gym 5.15PM - TKD 5.30PM - SpinFit 6.30PM - Chipper 7PM - Impact MMA 7.30PM - Metafit #gymnast #gymnastics #athlete #fitness #training #core #trainingforlife #power #excuses #noexcuses #nopainnogain #giveeverything #leavenothing #WilLBfit

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Just had an argument with one of the #gym members who was...... Well..... Let's just say he using the #machine wrong...... 🍆💪🏻 SHOULD have gave him and induction 😫 #GymProbs #ercolina #swole #funny #fitness #badform #broscience #fitspiration #gymspiration

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Couldn't have put it better myself.... #nutrition #food #musclefood #fuel #musclefuel #workout #fitness #EatToTrain #swolemate #swole #exercise #MakeItHappen

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Nice one, my #warrior friends! We're almost at the end of our first #INCREDIBLE first week of #2017! Keep this kick-ass attitude up and before long you'll be stronger that the #superstars in the #WWE! Don't give up on the amazing progress you've already achieved!!!! You can be annoyed, frustrated, even angry enough to chuck someone over the top rope! But the only way to win is the keep going! Otherwise the pain, the sweat, the tears will all have been for nothing. SUBMISSION OS NOT IN YOUR VOCABULARY!!! You right there.... This is your year! FRIDAY: #josstheboss - 6.45AM 9.30AM - SpinFit 4PM - Jr Gym 5.30PM - #Metafit 6PM - DISCO #SPIN!!!!! (NEW CLASS!) 6.15PM - Fit-To-Box 6.30PM - Impact MMA (Olympic Standard Wrestling!) #hero #eatinggood #trainingforlife #feelinggoodvibes fitness #royalrumble #guns #swole #swolemate

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😍 Check out this SUPERSTAR!!!!! 😍 Our YOUNGEST instructor yet! Little JC! What a #machine! What an #animal! What a #CUTEY!!!! My #nephew, Jossy!!! You go little man! #WilLBfit #Cheese #Cheeseball #Workout #exercise #kid #kids #kidstagram #cutest #josstheboss #swole!

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IN THAT ORDER, #SUNSHINE! Order of Quantities in a healthy approach to #fitness and #nutrition in my opinion. Unless you're bulking, then add more carbs The #fat will FALL off you! This is me 90% of the time..... but right now, I've just had a #brownie! 😉 Enjoy your day! #goodmorning #eat #eatinggood #warrior #paleo #gvt #germanvolumetraining #KickAss #power #bulkingseason #cutting #leanbulking #swole #food #musclefood

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#Arbonne #Protein #Mocha Just rocked up to the gym with the two things I can't live without. #GlutenFree #dairyfree #ProteinShakes and #Coffee !!! By the way, it's made from #brownrice and #peaprotein Make-Your-Own Oh and ZERO #bullshit like all those others Anyway. Have a nice day! Would love to talk, but I #mustache Arbonne Protein Powder - Chocolate http://ift.tt/2j3lfij Arbonne Protein Powder - Vanilla http://ift.tt/2iGYAvA #WilLBfit #HashtagLikeABoss #healthyLiving @arbonne #Fitness #strengthtraining #Morning #Chocolate #Warrior #Warriors #lactoseintolerant #wheatfree #workout #exercise #nutrition #arbonne #arbonnelife

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TODAY is the day it all happens. Don't blame other people for making you do it. No more reasons for why others 'can' and you 'can not'. Don't do it for other people! Don't do it because it's 'the thing to do this time of year'! Think of the times in your life where you've truly dedicated yourself to something! - How hard you worked on that first successful date. - The dedication you had when you raised your kids - Your kindness you offered when looking after a loved one. We work so hard to make others happy! Why the hell would you stop there?! It's time to work that hard to make YOU happy!!!! Do it because of YOUR commitments and YOUR hunger to be the greatest version of YOU! Do it because you know what you could be. And it's something truly special. DONE! #WilLBfit --------------------------------------- TUESDAY: OPEN GYM 6.45AM-9PM 6.45AM - Metafit 9.30AM - ChipperFit 10.10AM - Yoga 4PM - Jr Gym 5.15PM - TKD 5.30PM - SpinFit 6.30PM - Chipper 7PM - Impact MMA 7.30PM - Metafit #inspiration #inspire #gymspiration #fitspiration #musclefood #hny #change #transformation #resolutiongang #fitness #health #exercise #workout #HereWeGo!

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FINALLY, the holidays are over. Slightly depressing, but mostly relieving for myself Here's my meal prep at its absolute finest and most MISERABLE! So many people moan because their #proteinshakes are too bland, their #proteincookies don't taste like real cookies. They buy #proteinbread and say "oh it's not like real bread!" THAT'S THE MO-FO-ing POINT, BROS! It DOES NOT taste like those foods because THOSE foods aren't really good!!!!! Any bread that has more bulking agent in it than vitamins or fibre, and cookie that has more sweetness than savoury in it, and protein shake that tastes like #McDonalds milkshake... Why would we ever consider this as 'food'? IT'S NOT FOOD! In no way is it #goodfood. But mind numbing #drugs! Put into you to create a temporary fix rather than permanent satisfaction! So that instead of helping the world,or even helping your own psyche and basic bodily functions, you you do is think about food. And why?!Because the bad food has filled the physical void (your stomach) but hasn't filled your body with the nutrients needed to get on with your life! So in turn we remain unsatisfied and STILL EMOTIONALLY STARVED! Now,it's just been Christmas.I've indulged, you've indulged. I'm not saying you can't eat unhealthy food, but just admit to yourself that it is NOT really food! At any point through the holidays, did you ever feel content? I know I didn't. I was either eating til stuffed!Or after it wore off I was starving again! Emotional starvation again! As you can see,I'm back on it.Not because I force myself to eat healthy, but because I know this food, as boring as it may seem, will help me train better, think better and will critically help me live better! That's what we're here to do! NOT just gorge and exist, but to fuel and prosper. To #LIVE! ...Says the man who had 2 desserts tonight...🙈 Like I say,always! This blog is to keep me in check. If anyone else benefits from my advice to myself,that's a bonus 😉 I'm having 1 cup of rice,2 tins of oily tuna and a shed load of veg because IT WORKS! It's #BulkingSeason baby! #Christmas #ImLovinit #fitness #newyearnewme 😂 #food #musclefood #fuel #fatty #keepitsimplestupid

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#HAPPY #JANUARY! And welcome to the Justified World of Fitness! You want the body of your dream?! It's gonna cost ya! Whenever you want a new CAR, you #EARN enough money to afford it! You want a promotion in work? You work hard until you #DESERVE IT! Like everything else in this world, FITNESS is #EARNED! If you're NOT where you wanna be..... WORK HARDER! Bank Holiday Monday! GYM OPEN 9AM-12PM! METAFIT - 10.30AM! .... Oh and 1 MORE THING! Whether you're in a Class or in the Gym.... Tomorrow is FREE! NO EXCUSES! #WilLBfit #gym #fitness #metafit #workout #bhm #proud #girlswholift #hiit #respect

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