#PROGRESS from our very own instructor, Emily Sarah May Davies! 6 months Post-Partum! This chick practices what she preaches! ❤️💪🏻 Follow: WilLBfitMummy http://ift.tt/2ouWZLn #WilLBfit #Tbt #throwbacktuesday #transformationtuesday #fitgirl #girlswholift #girlswholiftheavy #ladiesthatlift #exercise #squat #postpartum #pregnantandfit #fitmum #fitmom #beast


Are you looking to take part in any mud runs this year? Maybe your already booked onto @tough_mudder @bornsurvivoruk @ratracehq or even @cancer_research_uk_ #mudruns... where else can you get the training in to prepare you for this? Answer- Nowhere.! Give us a follow @muddafit on both here and #Facebook and make sure you do not get left behind..!!! #Amazing sessions so far, great #atmosphere and banter with people of all walks of life, #fitness ability and age- we cater for all... see you soon 🦍💪🏼 #MuddaFit #OCR #Workout #Muddy #PrettyMuddy #Mudder #ToughMudder #RatRace #BornSurvivor #rough #Truefitness #rugged #FatToFit #Transformation


647...!! Yes that is how many calories were burnt in one of my spin sessions last week..!! Who needs this level of fat burning in their lives?? 🙋🏽‍♂ This is the new 45 min #Fitbit record with only 2 weeks left is anyone going to beat it?! #Monday..!! The #BEST day of the week to train.! The most #REWARDING day as your #feelgoodfactor after it will not be beaten this week- so what’s your plans then?! We start 6.45AM with Mayhem- as in recent weeks this is #LEGDAY 🦍 Can’t wait to see you all guys and gals 💪🏼🦍 @rugbikid #WilLBfit #Workout #fitness #exercise #legendary #quads #squat #lunge #MondayMotivation


Fantastic week, everyone! I'm feeling the #determination after this week. Although difficult..... It was STILL #CONQUERED!!!! Incase you've not had enough yet..... BRING ON #SATURDAY AT WILL B FIT! Only 11.30-1PM.... But if you do it right.... That's all you'll need! ALSO! #Sunday 9.30-1PM! 10.30AM - #METAFIT 11AM - #YOGA #WilLBfit #fitness #workout #Squaturday #Squat #Power #Exercise #Weekend #Workout #DayOfRest? #DayOfReps! #WeekendWorkout #WeekendWarriors


I've been winding this girl up for the last 12 months. "I #PT you every week, twice a week. I tell you about my #Coffee obsession, yet you fail bring me one!" Never thought she actually would! Well #LOWANDBEHOLD! She's finally done it! Thanks for the #Starbucks, champ! Now let's KILL THOSE LEGS!!!! #WilLBfit #LegDay #Fitness #LadiesThatLift #Gym #GirlsWhoLift #Cheers #Quad #CoffeeAddict #CoffeeAddiction #Caffeine #Caffeineandgym


Every man needs one of these! And oh boy, do I have one!..... #WilLBfit #Strong #Motivation #StrongWomen #FitnessMotivation #support #BusinessMotivation #Lucky #Love #Happiness #Couples #Family #DamnShesGood


#Workout Of The #Week..... IS BACK! Starting you off with a CLASSIC, known as the 300 SPARTAN WORKOUT! THE MOST RIPPED I'VE EVER BEEN! With this workout TWICE per week, beginning at a more that manageable level, progressing the reps and weight lifted once mastered. AND Two sessions per week around an hour each (1 hour 15mins on the Rowing Machine and 45 mins of Chipper/Metafit incl. Warm-Up/Cool-Down) I managed to reduce my #bodyfatpercentage to 8% and my diet was only 70% clean. THE ONLY REASON I STOPPED! I was actually #training for a VERY #longdistance #challenge - 157 miles in 4 days (I completed it! Hence the #tattoo on my right calf) but wished to keep some #physique My only reason for stopping was pure #vanity. I wanted to #lift heavier and build more #strength. I wanted to practice more #Olympiclifts. That's all. Luckily, I'm such a nerd that I write every detail of my #gymlife down, so if you wish to see the #diet plan for this workout..... YOU KNOW HOW TO FIND ME! But, to be honest, dudes.... just start with the workout! See how far that gets you. If your main issue is #FATLOSS, this is the workout for YOU!!!! Good luck, compadres! (Share if you're game!) #WilLBfit #300Spartans #WOD #fitness


@taekwonjo30 giving her #PT to an unsuspecting victim today..... #Cruel #Sadistic #Painful #RealPT #2MoreReps #trainer #gym #workout #fitness #burpees #cardio


Amazing turnout last week at double spin guys let’s see if we can keep up the momentum from then and take it into this week- let me know if your not coming so we can fill your seat with our reserves 😚🦍💪🏼🚴🏽‍♀🚴🏽‍♂ @rugbikid #WilLBfit #workout #spin #fitness #fitnessmotivation #noteasy #worthit #MondayMotivation #NeverMissAMonday


Found my next #audiobook to listen to OVER AND OVER! Only 4 hours long, but #inspiring #StrongMind #StrongBody #StrongSoul #Inspiration #Wisdom #Audible #WilLBfit


That should be the goal for EVERYONE! #WEDNESDAY: GYM OPEN - 6.45AM-7.30AM, 8.30AM-11.30AM, 2.30PM-9PM #Metafit - 6.45AM  Metafit - 9.30AM  Jr #Gym - 4PM  #Abominable #Abdominals - 6PM #Chipper - 6.30PM  Impact #MMA - 7PM #ChipperFit - 7.30PM  #WilLBfit #workout #fitness #idols #rivals #workuntilyouridolsbecomeyourrivals #workuntilyouretheidol


Hilarious because it's TRUE! @metafithq this was sent in by a client.... #WilLBfit #DamnTrue #Hilarious #Hiit #highintensity #metafit #metabolicfitness


POSTERIOR CHAIN WORKOUT! In other words, the back of your body. What you'll find from most #workouts is they're all about closing your body in #InternalRotation (slouching) can often lean to the front of the body being to tonic (tight) and the back of the body being too lax (weak) This means tight #ligaments, #tendons and #muscles making you more prone towards injuries in the #knees, #ankles, #hips and #shoulders A posterior chain workout, coupled with stretches of the #anteriorchain (chest, front #Delt, #quads #hipflexors #abdominuserectus This #workout will make you a #healthier and more #balanced #athlete Here's tonight's workout - plenty of pulling and extending of the upper/lower back, #glutes #hamstrings and #calves EXACTLY what you need if you perform a lot of #squats, #strictPress #pressups #dips and #benchpress #WilLBfit #ideal


And THAT, #ladies and #gentlemen, is what I meant when I said "TONIGHT WILL BE #FEROCIOUS!" Remember, guys! New ABS, CHIPPER and METAFIT routines all coming next week! THURSDAY:  GYM OPEN - 6.45AM-7.30AM, 8.30AM-11.30AM, 2.30PM-9PM #ChipperFit - 6.45AM #Chipper - 9.30AM Jr Gym - 4PM #Metafit - 5.30PM #LBT-X - 6PM  #MetCon - 6.45PM  #MMA Conditioning (UTS) - 7PM #Workout #fitness #physique #discipline #dedication #work #hustle #selfrespect #dignity


Some of you on #insta morning til night! You can find 30-45 mins to #workout! HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE! #TUESDAY: GYM OPEN - 6.45AM-7.30AM, 8.30AM-11.30AM, 2.30PM-9PM 6.45AM - #MetCon 9.30AM - #ChipperFit  10.10AM - #Yoga  4PM - Jr #Gym  5.15PM - #TKD  5.30PM - #SpinFit  6.30PM - #Chipper  7PM - #Impact #MMA 7.30PM - #Metafit Join us tomorrow! #fitness #instafit #MakeTheTime #FindTheTime #PayTheToll #crosstraining