#Sunday #GYM OPEN 9.30AM-1PM 10.30AM - #Metafit 11AM - Hatha #Yoga See you there. #WilLBfit #fitness #exercise #sex


@dasrobbwolf The bollux of nutrition! 👌🏻 This could change your life, folks! #Audible #Audiobooks #Fitness #Nutrition #WhereHaveYouBeenAllMyLife #fit #paleo #strokeofgenius


Dearest Chipper-ites! Allow me to introduce you to: #CHIPPER #STRONG! The SUMMER in the gym world is all about high reps, low carb diets and burning FAT with hardcore classes such as #Chipper, #Meta etc. However, THIS #AUTUMN/#WINTER is like to propose we dedicate our time to a '#MUSCLE #BUILDING #DURATION' or '#STRENGTH #LIFTING #SEASON' for the whole body up until #spring of 2019, focussing on lower #reps leading to greater muscle and joint #integrity. Which means greater prevention against #injury AND a better #shape! This means you may not get the #fatburn you hoped through the winter, but that's what the other classes are for! What you would #gain through this is a base layer of muscle that, come spring/summer, would stay with you as Chipper reverted back to what it is today: #Onslaught muscle #toning, serious fat burning and a rip-up #remedy for #beach-bods all around the globe! Don't forget, folks. The more muscle you have, the easier it is to burn fat! So who wants MORE MUSCLE?! If you like the sound of this, please #LIKE and COMMENT on this post. Let me know your thoughts. Luke x


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WILL B FIT! AKA - My first born We hope we have created an environment that has offered a second Home and a Haven for you all! ❤️🏋🏾💪🏻 #WilLBfit


Great to meet you today, @optimusprime_334 What a really lovely guy! Hoping some of that #Squatting #Godness rubs off on me, friend! And yes, I meant to say 'Godness' 👌🏻🏋🏾


Met one of the very few incredible people on my 'to meet' list Wanted to ask him so much about his career. Wanted to wish him huge congrats on his many #WSM wins. Wanted to give him a huge handshake and tell him I followed his career from when I was a child! Tell him he was the #GOAT Instead I said "Hi Savickas. How's the bicep tear? Getting better I hope" 🙈 Not much chance of him seeing this, but #BigZ! Truly a pleasure and truly #awesome @savickas_bigz


It's FRIDAY, Fudgers! Don't count the days! Make the days count! FRIDAY: GYM OPEN 8.30AM-11.30AM 9.30AM - SpinFit GYM OPEN 2.30PM-8PM 4PM - Jr Gym 5.30PM - Metafit 6.15PM - Fit-To-Box 6.30PM - Impact MMA (Olympic Standard Wrestling!) #WilLBfit


GREAT turn out this week! You've tried things recently that you may not initially have been good at.... ... However, it has lead to expanding that little bubble called the Comfort Zone! In fairness, you guys will ALWAYS try anything I throw at you, no matter how silly or even scary it may sometimes seem! It is NOT in spite of in spite of, but BECAUSE of you trying these new things that has led to you a GREATER version of you! I know guys who have stuck to the same workouts over and over. One of them is a runner. She runs. Excels in running. Gains faster times.... Yet she tells me that she's no happier with her athleticism that she was when she started out all them years ago! I'm not saying it's BAD to specialise, simply a waste of potential in other fields as well as the one you're in. Broaden your horizons and it will SHOCK your body. It will power you up to a point you NEVER thought you'd reach physically AND mentally. For me, physical activity is not just there to get better at exercise, it's to realise who you really are. In your core self! OK, you're not the Fastest. So what, you're not the strongest! You may not be the Buffest athlete out there.... But you can guarantee that you are one of the most whole, diverse and fearless! It's not what you GET in life that makes you happy. It's who you BECOME!