Early Mornings are BACK! @rugbikid and @muddafit are HERE and while the boss is away we will play!!! Next week Monday-Friday we're going to run a week of BEASTLY #bootcamp style classes 💪🏼 Mornings is proven to be the best time to get your #workouts in! The weather's been rubbish so far this year so let's kick start your training, kick start the week and maybe even your year of training with a good solid week of solid hard graft. If the weather's good, we'll be OUTSIDE! If the weather's bad, we're INSIDE, but that's out of our control. What's IN our control is how we design and manage these classes and in true #Muddafit style, we're going to make sure you get an #ALMIGHTY workout to kick start your day!! See you all next week ladies and gentlemen 6.45AM Enjoy your weekend 🦍💪🏼👊🏼 #WilLBfit #Exercise #fitness #WrexhamFitness #LetsDoThis


No matter who you are! No matter your walk of life! No matter what's gone on in your past! There is ALWAYS opportunity to reach your goals! BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT! Amazing, packed day today at WilL B fit! With NEW Members learning what we're about, PAST Members rejoining the pack and restarting their journey, and the REGULAR sensational members, showing them all how it's done! 😘 Well done EVERYONE tonight! Total respect to every last one of you, including Karen, pictured! HERE'S THURSDAY: #GYM OPEN 6.45AM-7.30AM #ChipperFit - 6.45AM GYM OPEN 8.30AM-11.30AM #Chipper - 9.30AM GYM OPEN 2.30PM-9PM Jr Gym - 4PM #LBT-X - 6PM #MetCon - 6.45PM #MMA #Conditioning (UTS) - 7PM #WilLBfit #evolution #fitness #hope #YouCanDoIt #Grind #workout #Progress


Imagine a world without #Weightlifting *SHUDDERS* #WilLBfit #fitness #exercise #deadlift #squat #benchpress #workout #barbell #LoveToLift


Junior Gym Hour at WilL B fit! Kid: "Excuse me! Do you take Coppers?" Me: "Yes mate" *Ching* *Cling* *Ching-aling-ling* Me:..... "Sign in! Get out of my sight!" 🙈 #WilLBfit #LoveKids


So, since #January, I've tried a NEW APPROACH to Thursday night/Friday morn #MetCons! I've tried to make it as diverse and more importantly - #METABOLIC every week by shocking your bodies! Giving you something everytime that you are NOT used to in an effort to keep you constantly recruiting new #muscle fibres and aiding your body with #FatBurn. We've tried #DROPSETS, #SUPERSETS, #NEGATIVES, #PRIMALMOVEMENTS, #LEGS ONLY, #UPPERBODY ONLY, #POWER #CIRCUITS, #ISOMETRIC #CIRCUIT, even #BODYBUILDING ROUTINES! ..... tonight it's back to basics! Back to #GRITTY, #RUGGED #workouts that are more real, more #fun AND more rewarding than any other #workout! #TYRES?! #ROPES?! #BARBELLS?! YES! To all of the above! See you tonight - 6.45PM! #WilLBfit #WrexhamFitness


Guys. For the sake of 30-45 mins, it could give you the #kickstart to one of the #best #Sundays you've had in a long time. And why?! Because the body is a creature of #HABIT! Start the day doing very little, and your body will continue wanting little out of life. Begin your day with #POWER! #EXCITEMENT! #HELL-#FURY! And you'll want more out of the 90% of the day that is left! 'Should I #exercise today?!?!' WHAT A SILLY QUESTION! #Metafit - 10.30AM #Yoga - 11AM See you shortly! X #WilLBfit #evolution #gymspiration #workoutmotivation #fitness #hathayoga #workout #swole #motivationalquotes #motivate


Genius! LIKE PLEASE! #WilLBfit #fitness #evolution #gymspiration #workoutmotivation #workout #fitnessgoals #dailyquote #quoteoftheday #picoftheday #gotcha #exercise #functionalmovements #swole #deadlift #benchpress #squat #squatass #bodybuilder


Wow! Some SERIOUS #Progress here! @kproctor17 has shed EVEN MORE #weight! "Less of a Spare Tyre" as she said! And bless! @nicmazi can STILL use her as a Jungle #Gym! 😉 True #Friendship, that! #WilLBfit #fitness #throwbackthursday #training #womenwholift #womenwholiftotherwomen #workoutmotivation #gymspiration #oosh #power #deadlift 👍🏻#GymFriends 👍🏻


Hahaha. Oh dear! Well, guys! I must say that #TONIGHT was a kick-ass night and I wanted to mention how incredible it is to see so many of you.... after a long, tough road, upping your eights and achieving your #goals!!! Really, you guys are gonna be on point this summer! #👌🏻 ...but not as good as this guy! #😂 See you tomorrow, dudes! #THURSDAY:  GYM OPEN - 6.45AM-7.30AM #ChipperFit - 6.45AM GYM OPEN - 8.30AM-11.30AM #Chipper - 9.30AM GYM OPEN - 2.30PM-9PM Jr #Gym - 4PM #Metafit - 5.30PM #LBT-X - 6PM  #MetCon - 6.45PM  #MMA Conditioning (UTS) - 7PM #fit #fitness #fitstagram #instafit #insta #instagood #exercise #workout #sexy