So true. Especially being a #PT. Don't get me wrong, I adore what I do and there are many perks. But working in the hope to give so many people what they want, the body they aim for, the confidence they need so much..... I forget to stay on track towards my wants, what I aim for, and vital needs..... So there's hopefully some advice.... DON'T DISTURB ME DURING A #WORKOUT! #WilLBfit #Quotes #Life #gym #LifeQuotes #MeTime #BeYou #StayOnTrack #GoodThingsAwait #Fitness

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Aliquam molestie ligula vitae nunc lobortis dictum varius tellus porttitor. Suspendisse vehicula diam a ligula malesuada a pellentesque turpis facilisis. Vestibulum a urna elit. Nulla bibendum dolor suscipit tortor euismod eu laoreet odio facilisis.