WHY ADD CREAM TO YOUR COFFEE! Here's a quick thought. As you know, I'm one of the biggest coffee addict the side of #Brazil! Yes, yes! You've heard it all before! Lukey works long hours! So, as a result I need a LOT of coffee. Lately, however I've been trying to cut down. I've started adding cream to my one and only coffee a day. Not low-fat cream! That will not do... Thick Cream! Double Cream in some cases! What I've found, due to the cream of course being 99% fat, it is slower burning. Mixing with the coffee, only makes the coffee digest more gradually, and as a result sustains energy through the day! For those of you who think you're going to get fat from 20 g of thick clotted cream per day, preferring a chocolate bar instead, have a word with yourself! 20 g of any high-fat cream has research behind it to show you can actually lose weight AND FAT using this method! The average sedentary human being allowed 20g of saturated fat per day! Cream has 7g sat fats. Plus, most reading this exercise like a motherlicker! So you're still WELL within the advised amount for fat loss. If you are lactose intolerant, HAVE NO FEAR. Try lacto-free or coconut oil! (Coconut oil of course making a bullet-proof coffee) Just don't make the mistake I made in Starbucks when I wasn't specific enough and got something like what you see in the picture 🙈 Sqirty cream DOESN'T COUNT! Have a great day! And enjoy your coffeeeeeeeeeees! #WilLBfit #cream #fullfat #weightloss #fatloss #energy #workoutmotivation #train #exercise #workout #caffeine #coffee #wakeup #wakeupandsmellthecoffee #happy #GymAdvice #LifeAdvice #lift #preworkout

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Aliquam molestie ligula vitae nunc lobortis dictum varius tellus porttitor. Suspendisse vehicula diam a ligula malesuada a pellentesque turpis facilisis. Vestibulum a urna elit. Nulla bibendum dolor suscipit tortor euismod eu laoreet odio facilisis.