WHAT AN OUTLOOK ON LIFE! For all those who struggle to get to the gym AND through life!..... I thought my life was so hard, that it was difficult to get ahead. Then I started listening to THIS! What this guy has been through is some gnarly shit, and then to put such a positive spin on things..... Truly Inspiring! #Emerson #SelfDiscipline #SelfReliance #Inspiration #audible #audiobook #genius #strongmind #depression #helpfordepression #antidepressant #ascension #transcend #mindonfire #ralphwaldoemerson #inspirationalquotes #positivevibes #positiveattitude #😊 #mindandbody #balance #bodyandsoul #biography

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WHY ADD CREAM TO YOUR COFFEE! Here's a quick thought. As you know, I'm one of the biggest coffee addict the side of #Brazil! Yes, yes! You've heard it all before! Lukey works long hours! So, as a result I need a LOT of coffee. Lately, however I've been trying to cut down. I've started adding cream to my one and only coffee a day. Not low-fat cream! That will not do... Thick Cream! Double Cream in some cases! What I've found, due to the cream of course being 99% fat, it is slower burning. Mixing with the coffee, only makes the coffee digest more gradually, and as a result sustains energy through the day! For those of you who think you're going to get fat from 20 g of thick clotted cream per day, preferring a chocolate bar instead, have a word with yourself! 20 g of any high-fat cream has research behind it to show you can actually lose weight AND FAT using this method! The average sedentary human being allowed 20g of saturated fat per day! Cream has 7g sat fats. Plus, most reading this exercise like a motherlicker! So you're still WELL within the advised amount for fat loss. If you are lactose intolerant, HAVE NO FEAR. Try lacto-free or coconut oil! (Coconut oil of course making a bullet-proof coffee) Just don't make the mistake I made in Starbucks when I wasn't specific enough and got something like what you see in the picture 🙈 Sqirty cream DOESN'T COUNT! Have a great day! And enjoy your coffeeeeeeeeeees! #WilLBfit #cream #fullfat #weightloss #fatloss #energy #workoutmotivation #train #exercise #workout #caffeine #coffee #wakeup #wakeupandsmellthecoffee #happy #GymAdvice #LifeAdvice #lift #preworkout

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2nUQ7HP


ONCE MORE! PROMO CODES FOR YOU! Clicking the links below makes your buy WHEY CHEAPER...... Bad joke. EVEN SO - Enjoy Offer: 30% off your entire order when you buy any food or drink Code: FOOD30 How: click link, add products to basket and add code Expiry: Midnight 26th March 2017 URL: http://ift.tt/2mXkVEh Offer: Free delivery when you spend £40 Code: FREESD40 How: click link, add product to basket and add code Expiry: Midnight 29th March 2017 URL: http://ift.tt/2nfPLdM Offer: Free mystery gift when you spend £30 Code: FREEGIFT How: click link, add products to basket and add code- mystery gift will appear Expiry: Midnight 29th March 2017 URL: http://ift.tt/2nfPLdM TOP ON SITE OFFER Offer: 30% off full-priced items Code: GAIN30 How: click link, add products to basket and add code Expires: midnight 23rd March URL: http://ift.tt/2mXi3ad #protein #proteindeals #foodporn #musclefuel #fitness #supps #supplements #anofferyoucantrefuse #runner #lifter #crossfitter #enjoy #eat #

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Tremendous effort from some sexy people! ONE DAY CLOSER TO THE WEEKEND, FOLKS! #Embrace #Tuesday!! TUESDAY: 6.45AM - Metafit 9.30AM - ChipperFit 4PM - Jr Gym 5.15PM - TKD 5.30PM - SpinFit 6.30PM - Chipper 7PM - Impact MMA 7.30PM - Metafit #fitnessmeme #exercise #omelette #gainz #instafit #weightlifting #metafit #instagood #power #swolemates #ladiesthatlift #chipper #cardio #beastmode

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2nLIf8P


Yooooou're so #vein DYA GET IT?! #fitness #fitbit #workout #vain #vascular #swole #backworkout #deadlift #pulldown #row #forearm #wristaction #pump #grip #protein #exercise #shrugs #weightlifting #180kg #instagood #instagram #instafit

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SPIN CLASSES AT WilL B fit!!!! Rule this week is: Ride like you stole it! If you CAN NOT make it, don't just leave a bike spare.... LET ME KNOW! Book here!!!! If you were here last week, you automatically have a space! Monday SpinFit - 5.30PM 1. Wayne E Jones (Instructor) 2. Joanne Pemberton 3. Nichola Robert 4. Sian Thomas 5. Siân Edwards 6. Sharon Farmer 7. Warren Farmer 8. Ceri Davies 9. Bethan Jenkins 10. Vicki Ashworth 11. Cath Owen 12. Emma Goodwin 13. Silvana Murray Crisp 14. Gillian Hayes 15. Leza Ellis Tuesday SpinFit - 5.30PM 1. Jo Paletta (Instructor) 2. Silvana Murray Crisp 3. Emma Goodwin 4. Tracey D'Allestro 5. Andrea Greenwood 6. Sharon Farmer 7. Warren Farmer 8. Bev Jones 9. Donna Powell 10. Ceri Davies 11. Joanne Pemberton 12. Mary Loughlin 13. Dino Paletta 14. Molly Whelan 15. Carolyn Hannaby Friday CrossSpin (Half Spin, Half Weights) - 9.30AM 1. William Luke Bithell (Instructor) 2. Sharon Edwards 3. Mary Loughlin 4. Joanne Griffiths 5. Gillian Hayes 6. Claire Mcgrady 7. Joanne Bennett Was Mahoney 8. Karen Griffiths 9. Katie Wilson 10. Stacey Poston 11. Cath Owen 12. Sarah Roberts 13. Helen Meredith 14. Siân Edwards 15. Vicki Ashworth Reserve: Amy Davies DISCO-SPIN! - 5.15PM (£2 to members. £4 to non-members) 1. James Griffiths (Instructor) 2. Wayne E Jones (Instructor) 3. Steve Jarvis 4. Emily Prydden 5. Warren Farmer 6. Sharon Farmer 7. Ceri Davies 8. Bethan Jenkins 9. Shannon Dean 10. Claire Harris 11. Joanne Pemberton 12. Richard Jones 13. Stacey Bala Hughes 14. Emma Goodwin 15. Paula Kenny Reserve: Heather Owen If I've missed anyone out, please let me know! #WilLBfit #SpinFit #CrossSpin #innuendo #workout #fitness #gym #shocking #spinclass #spinningclass #ridelikeyoustoleit #exercise #power #cardio #weightlifting

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2nfmAcc


Haha! @chubby_no_more_ messaged me telling me about how he was so motivated due to yesterday's #song choice in #MetCon!.... He ran up @glyndwruni steps! ALL 3 OF THEM! That's made my day 😂 #WilLBfit #GettingStrongNow #hilarious #funny #Rocky #Fitness #Workout #Exercise #Balboa #USA #philadelphia #Boxing #Fighting #FitToBox #Boxercise

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2mKKivX


#TIME TO #WORKOUT! #WWE #WilLBfit #LegDay #Swole #Exercise #Power #FinnBalor DemonKing #OnRepeat #Raw #determination #instafit #motivation #motivationalsong #instagram #inspiration #luckoftheirish

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2mSO7Qe


I'm just trying to decide which my favourite Toro Loco is...... I struggle to walk after either! @metafithq @metafitlanarkshire #WilLBfit #Metafit #MetafitWorkout #Fitness #HIIT #METABOLIC #Wine #determination #exercise #dedication #Bavaria #LegDay

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2lKC3fT


These early morning classes are getting popular!!!! This was MetCon! Wednesday - 6.45AM! Instructor - @rugbikid AKA 'The Hulk' Jones #WilLBfit #instafitness #ladiesthatlift #gymgirl #workout #metcon #bootcamp #gym #earlymornings #morningmotivation #exercise #instagram #wod #strength #determination #grit #swole #warriors #oosh!

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