Often as an instructor, I've noticed that one must look after the client. Help them to gradually ease into their workouts, Scale where necessary, Check form constantly...... But sometimes you gotta be an ARSEHOLE!!!!!! (Whilst doing all those other things.... obvs!!!! 😎) #WilLBfit #17.1 #CruelToBeKind #fitness #gym #crosstraining #workout #wod #power #warriors!!!!! #exercise #fitness #traininsaneorremainthesame #instafit #instagram
@WilLBmummy 💪🏻👶🏻 IF you're interested in seeing how to exercise through pregnancy/motherhood..... Follow @WilLBmummy 😍👶🏻😍👶🏻😍👶🏻😍 On #Instagram! While this girl is still training, NO EXCUSES! #fitness #exercise #workout #weights #barbell #fitnessmum #fitnessmom #gym #gymspiration #gymmotivation #fitspiration #beast #sexy #buffgirl #gymgirl #ladieswholift #ladiesthatlift #FitterThanMe #instafit #instafitness #pregnantfitness #pregnantandfit #WilLBfit #WilLBmummy #noexcuses
SOMETHING TO PONDER... For generations! The ORIGINS of our species! Millions of years of the survival of the fittest! Every generation mutating ever-so-slightly to allow their descendants to become more adapted and familiar with the world. Eventually leading to greatness and allowing humanity to, AGAINST ALL ODDS, somehow climb to the top of the pecking order! The RECENT history of your family. Your parents/grandparents/great-grandparents strived and survived. Almost miraculously! They stayed alive to make sure they could enjoy their lives to their fullest extent. They had goals, dreams and hopes to see carry on their bloodline, watch you grow, see you prosper and become a pro-active source to the world!! #WOW!... So how did you get on? The majority of us work in little offices, no means to an end. Pent up like cattle. Being just another number of 7 BILLION+ We work jobs we don't like to pay for a lifestyle we resent! After everything our heritage has shown us we can cope with, we can do, we can become... 98% of us have no goals, no aspirations, and will be a exactly the same 10 years from now as we are today... except older and possibly weaker... with less energy... That's seriously what you're going to do with your ONE and ONLY life?! This life you have was not owed to you. It is a privilege that you're here! Existing! Now you need to learn to LIVE! You should find it a personal insult to yourself on the days you DO NOT progress in life. No matter how big! No matter how small! Make a #GOAL, become #OBSESSED with it, Something you'd be happy to do for free, #MASTER it and eventually, ONE DAY if you've honestly worked hard enough at it... you'll not only be revered for what you #LOVE,you'll make yourself a massive living and an incredible life through it. MY love is fitness. I'm sure many of you reading this have the same love...But even if it's not. If it's healthy nutrition, if it's #politics,#agriculture,#philosophy, child's entertainer... WHATEVER DOES IT FOR YOU! If you get a kick out of it, year after year after year... WHAT are you waiting for?... #WilLBfit #gymspiration #fitspiration #gym #workout #strength #workoutmotivation #evolution
TONIGHT!!! At WilL B fit! 6.15PM! Here's where the magic happens! A crossover between a #Strength #BootCamp and #Boxercise! Always the same! Making your #FRIDAY worth it! #WilLBfit #MetCon #Exercise #Fitness #workout #Power #Metabolic #FatBurn #TGIF #tgifridays #Fit2Box #Fat2Fit #Warrior